Dictionary English German: [houses]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
row [line of trees, houses etc.]
Zeile {f} [Reihe]
cluster [trees, islands, houses etc.]
Gruppe {f} [Bäume, Inseln, Häuser usw.]
clump [of houses, trees, flowers, etc.]
Gruppe {f} [Häuser, Bäume, Blumen etc.]
comp. ribbon [a panel that houses a fixed arrangement of command buttons and icons]
Multifunktionsleiste {f} [Ribbon]
RealEst. terrace [row of houses]
Häuserreihe {f} [auf einem bestimmten Geländeniveau, zuweilen samt zugehöriger Straße]
archi. art Lüftlmalerei [kind of trompe l'oeil on houses in Bavaria, Austria, etc.]
Lüftlmalerei {f} [auch: Lüftelmalerei]
geogr. hamlet [loose settlement of a few houses]
Rotte {f} [österr.]
[city with half-timbered houses in its historic downtown district]Fachwerkstadt {f}
archi. urban [elegant neighbourhood with detached houses from the late 19th and early 20s century in Vienna]Cottage {n} [auch: Cottageviertel] [in Wien]
[town with half-timbered houses]Fachwerkstädtchen {n}
2 Words
one of {pron} [neuter; e.g. one of the houses]eines / eins [+Gen. Pl.; z. B. eines / eins der Häuser]
to be scattered [houses, villages]verstreut liegen
to belch out [ejaculate: mud, lava; people from houses, etc]ausspucken [hervorstoßen: Schlammfontänen, Lava, Menschen aus Häusern, etc.]
to roll past [roll by] [landscape, houses, etc.]vorbeiziehen [Landschaft, Häuser etc.]
archi. RealEst. (housing) terrace {sg} [Br.] [row of houses built in one block in a uniform style]Reihenhäuser {pl}
agr. archi. back lane [behind farms, farm houses]Hintaus {n} [österr.] [in ostösterreichischen Straßendörfern]
booking calendar [e.g. vacation houses]Buchungskalender {m} [z. B. Ferienhäuser]
gastr. travel TrVocab. booking plan [esp. vacation houses]Belegungsplan {m} [bes. bei Buchung von Ferienhäuser]
pol. conciliation committee [to resolve legislative differences between the upper and lower houses of parliament in Switzerland]Einigungskonferenz {f} [Schweiz]
front doors [of houses]Haustüren {pl}
travel G-classification [guesthouses, inns, boarding houses]G-Klassifizierung {f} [deutsche Klassifizierung für Gästehäuser, Gasthöfe und Pensionen]
RealEst. tract house [Am.] [(rows of) identical houses built on a tract of land]Reihenhaus {n}
3 Words
back-to-back {adj} [attr.] [e.g. houses]rückseitig aneinandergrenzend [z. B. Häuser]
to be set back [houses in a street]zurückspringen
urban (fashionable) residential street [with privately owned houses]Villenstraße {f}
urban back to backs [esp. Br.] [also: back-to-backs] [back-to-back houses]Back-to-Back-Reihenhäuser {pl} [zwei Reihenhäuser teilen sich eine gemeinsame Rückwand, gemeinsamer Dachfirst]
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