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|  |
 | ritzy {adj} [coll.] [high class] | 160 nobel [Hotel, Restaurant, Wohnung] |  |
 | welcoming {adj} | 64 gastfreundlich [einladend] [z. B. Restaurant, Hotel] |  |
 | lushly {adv} | 37 luxuriös [Auto, Hotel, etc.] |  |
 | classy {adj} [of a place, hotel etc.] | 30 mondän |  |
 | bee {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colony, species, allergy, hotel] | 19 Bienen- [z. B. Volk, Art, Allergie, Hotel] |  |
 | upmarket {adj} [Br.] [e.g. flat, hotel] | 8 Luxus- [z. B. Wohnung, Hotel] |  |
 | top {adj} [attr.] [first-class, best] | 7 beste [attr.] [erstklassige] [z. B. beste Qualität, bester Wein, bestes Hotel] |  |
 | overpopulated {adj} [Br.] [fig.] [overcrowded] | überbelegt [Hotel, Seminar etc.] |  |
 | upmarket {adj} [e.g. hotel, restaurant] | der gehobenen Kategorie [attr.] [nachgestellt] |  |
Verbs |
 | to lodge [live] | 163 wohnen [bes. zur Untermiete oder in Hotel bzw. Ferienwohnung] |  |
 | to bump sb. [to deny access to an overbooked flight, hotel etc.] | 82 [jdm. wegen Überbuchung einen Platz im Flugzeug, Hotel usw. verweigern] |  |
 | to arrange [hotel room] | 10 nachweisen [vermitteln] [Amtsspr.] |  |
Nouns |
 | host [esp. in a hotel etc.] | 1357 Wirt {m} |  |
 | jobs manager | 236 Leiter {m} [v. Hotel, Restaurant, Geschäft etc.] |  |
 | archi. lounge [in a hotel, theatre, etc.] | 103 Foyer {n} [eines Theaters, Hotels etc.] |  |
 | TrVocab. travel accommodation [hotel, motel, bed & breakfast etc] | 102 Beherbergungsstätte {f} |  |
 | jobs housekeeper | 94 Reinigungskraft {f} [Hotel, Hospital] |  |
 | fleabag [coll.] [sleazy hotel] | 92 Absteige {f} [ugs.] [billige Pension] |  |
 | TrVocab. desk | 84 Rezeption {f} [im Hotel etc.] |  |
 | TrVocab. pensione [spv.] | 49 Pension {f} [Hotel, Beherbergungsbetrieb] |  |
 | desk | 42 Anmeldung {f} [im Hotel etc.] |  |
 | travel register [in hotel] | 41 Gästebuch {n} |  |
 | archi. lounge [in a hotel or club; in an airport] | 29 Lounge {f} [eines Hotels oder Klubs; im Flughafen] |  |
 | travel TrVocab. pub [Aus.] [hotel] | 29 Gasthof {m} [mit Übernachtungsmöglichkeit] |  |
 | archi. foyer [Br.] | 23 Empfangshalle {f} [bes. Hotel] |  |
 | agr. travel TrVocab. [accommodation in the barn of a farm] | Heuhotel {n} [auch: Heu-Hotel] |  |
 | gastr. [discreet removal of a deceased hotel guest] | kalte Abreise {f} [Jargon] [euph.] [(diskreter) Abtransport einer in einem Hotel verstorbenen Person] |  |
 | [firm, hotel or restaurant with a long-standing tradition] | Traditionshaus {n} |  |
 | gastr. [hospitality unit, such as a restaurant, hotel, etc. within the hospitality industry] | Beherbergungs- und Gaststättenbetrieb {m} |  |
 | RealEst. travel aparthotel [short for: apartment hotel] | Apartment-Hotel {n} |  |
 | gastr. bar [room in a hotel] | Trinkstube {f} [veraltend] [in Betriebsnamen] |  |
 | cheesiness [coll.] [pej.] [e.g. of a hotel room] | Schäbigkeit {f} [pej.] [z. B. eines Hotelzimmers] |  |
 | fonduk [also: fondouk, funduck] [a business establishment, commercial warehouse, an inn or hotel in northern Africa] | Fonduk {n} [Warenniederlassung, Sammelplatz, Herberge in Nordafrika] |  |
 | furn. TrVocab. kitchenette [a small built-in kitchen, e.g. in hotel rooms, small apartments] | Pantryküche {f} [kleine Einbauküche, Kitchenette] |  |
 | travel parador | Parador {m} {n} [staatliches Hotel in Spanien] |  |
 | RealEst. TrVocab. pension [Br.] [boarding house] | Pension {f} [Gästehaus, kleines Hotel] |  |
 | suite [in a hotel etc.] | Suite {f} [in einem Hotel etc.] |  |
 | gastr. tronc [in a hotel or restaurant] | Tronc {m} [Trinkgeldkasse für Servicepersonal] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | firmly booked {adj} {past-p} [e.g. hotel room] | fest gebucht [z. B. Hotelzimmer] |  |
 | full up [Br.] [hotel] | voll belegt |  |
 | mid-price {adj} [hotel, products, etc.] | der mittleren Preisklasse [attr.] [nachgestellt] |  |
 | travel TrVocab. No vacancy. | Belegt. [Hotel usw.] |  |
 | travel TrVocab. No vacancy. | Voll belegt. [Hotel usw.] |  |
 | non-gaming {adj} [hotel etc.] | ohne Casino [nachgestellt] [Hotel etc.] |  |
 | well-furnished {adj} [hotel room, apartment, ...] | wohleingerichtet |  |
 | well-furnished {adj} [hotel room, apartment] | gut ausgestattet [auch: gutausgestattet] [gutmöbliert] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | TrVocab. (front) desk | Empfang {m} [im Hotel etc.] |  |
 | travel activities organiser [in a hotel] [Br.] | Unterhalter {m} |  |
 | advance booking [of tickets, hotel rooms etc.] | Reservation {f} [schweiz.] [von Tickets, Hotelzimmern etc.] |  |
 | baby pool [in a swimming bath, hotel etc.] | Kleinkindbecken {n} |  |