Dictionary English German: [honour]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
to sully sb./sth. [honour, name, memory]
jdn./etw. verunglimpfen [geh.]
to grace sth. [honour sth.]sichDat. (bei etw.Dat.) die Ehre geben [Redewendung]
to valorise sb./sth. [Br.] [e.g. to valorise honour]jdn./etw. hoch schätzen
accolade [award, honour]
Auszeichnung {f}
redemption [of one's honour, situation]
Rettung {f}
credit [honour]
Ehre {f}
vindication [saving of honour]
Ehrenrettung {f}
row [of people in honour of sth.]
Spalier {n} [aus Menschen]
honesty [sense of honour]
Ehrenhaftigkeit {f}
bestowal [of an honour, a greeting etc.]
Erweisung {f} [selten]
relig. [Title of honour in the Roman Catholic Church and other churches]Geistlicher Rat {m}
laurel [fig.] [honour, distinction]Ruhm {m} [Lorbeeren]
salute [shooting in honour of sb./sth.]Ehrensalut {m}
2 Words
to bestow sth. on sb. [honour, achievement, title, etc.]jdm. etw. zuerkennen [Ehre, Leistung, Titel etc.]
to do sb. proud [coll.] [idiom] [to honour or distinguish sb.]jdm. Ehre machen
to do sb. proud [coll.] [idiom] [to honour sb.]jdm. die Ehre erweisen
special place [place of honour]Ehrenplatz {m}
3 Words
to be blessed with sth. [honour, fortune etc.]etw.Gen. teilhaftig sein / werden [veraltet] [geh.]
to bestow sth. (on / upon sb.) [an honour, a favour, etc.](jdm.) etw.Akk. erweisen [Ehre, eine Gunst etc.]
to dip the flag [sign of honour]die Fahne senken [Ehrbezeugung]
to give sb. the bumps [Br.] [tossing sb. in the air to honour them]jdn. hochleben lassen [jdn. in einer Gruppe in die Luft werfen]
mil. to inspect the troops [e.g. guard of honour]die Truppe abschreiten [z. B. Ehrenkompanie]
mil. to review the troops [e.g. guard of honour]die Truppe abschreiten [z. B. Ehrenkompanie]
5+ Words
proverb Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.]Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.
bibl. Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.]Ehre, dem die Ehre gebührt. [Röm 13,7; Luther 1984] [oft zit. als: Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.]
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