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 | domestic {adj} [work, violence, duties, etc.; also: person (fond of family life and running a home)] | 2861 häuslich [Arbeit, Gewalt, Pflichten etc.; auch: Person] |  |
 | home {adv} [at home] | 750 daheim [bes. südd., österr. u. schweiz.] |  |
 | sb. commuted [travelled between home and work] | 147 jd. pendelte |  |
 | commuted {past-p} [travelled between home and work] | 125 gependelt |  |
 | domesticated {adj} [hum.] [of a man: fond of home life and housework] | 47 häuslich [Mann] |  |
 | sb. commutes [travels between home and work] | 44 jd. pendelt |  |
 | broken {adj} [home] | 40 zerrüttet [Familienverhältnisse] |  |
 | parental {adj} [e.g. allowance, couple, duties, home, love] | 20 Eltern- [z. B. Geld, Paar, Pflichten, Haus, Liebe] |  |
 | absent {adj} [not at home] | 16 ausgeflogen [ugs.] |  |
 | gastr. housemade {adj} [made fresh in restaurant, not a private home] | 11 hausgemacht [vor Ort im Restaurant gemacht] |  |
 | chez {prep} [Am.] [often hum.] [at, at the home of, at the business place of] | 9 bei |  |
 | [Americans Go Home!] | Amis, geht heim! |  |
 | home {adv} [at home] | zu Hause |  |
 | homebound {adj} [on the journey home] | auf der Rückreise (befindlich) |  |
 | homely {adj} [comfortable and familiar like home] | behaglich |  |
 | gastr. homemade {adj} [home-baked] | selbst gebacken |  |
 | second {adj} [attr.] [e.g. assessor, brood, car, degree, edition, family, home] | Zweit- [z. B. Gutachter, Brut, Wagen, Studium, Auflage, Familie, Wohnsitz] |  |
 | secondary {adj} [e.g. address, home, illness, residence, vote] | Zweit- [z. B. Adresse, Wohnung, Erkrankung, Wohnsitz, Stimme] |  |
Verbs |
 | to commute [to travel between home and work] | 4708 pendeln |  |
 | sports to homer [Am.] [to hit a home run in baseball] | einen Homerun erzielen |  |
 | sports to homer [to hit a home run in baseball] | einen Home-Run erzielen |  |
 | to locate [business / home] | sich ansiedeln |  |
 | to staycation [Am.] [to take vacation at home] | zu Hause Urlaub machen |  |
Nouns |
 | host [in his home or institution] | 690 Hausherr {m} [Gastgeber] |  |
 | childminder [Br.] [who minds children in her own home] | 191 Tagesmutter {f} |  |
 | educ. takeaway [Am.] [message to be taken home] | 129 Kernpunkt {m} [eines Gesprächs, Vortrags etc., den man mit nach Hause nimmt] |  |
 | daycare [Am.] [home / family daycare] | 54 Tagespflege {f} [Betreuung durch eine Tagesmutter oder -vater, nicht in einer Tageseinrichtung] |  |
 | archi. foyer [Am.] [in a private home] | 43 Diele {f} |  |
 | comm. electr. whiteware {sg} [NZ] [white goods, esp. home appliances] | 24 Haushaltsgeräte {pl} [hier: Weiße Ware, z. B. Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen, Geschirrspülmaschinen] |  |
 | mil. Blighty [Br.] [coll.: home leave in Britain] | 23 Heimaturlaub {m} |  |
 | fireside [the home, family life] | 23 Heim {n} [Zuhause] |  |
 | abode [literary] [residence, home] | 14 Wohnstatt {f} [geh.] [veraltet] [Wohnsitz, Domizil] |  |
 | hostess [at her own home] | 9 Hausfrau {f} [Gastgeberin] |  |
 | constr. [pre-engineered home, standard design, relatively cheap] | 6 Typenhaus {n} [vorgeplant, standardisiert und preiswert] |  |
 | home [institution, esp. old people's home or almshouse] | 5 Stift {n} [veraltend] [Heim für die Betreuung notleidender, meist alter Menschen] |  |
 | homeliness [having a feeling of home] | 5 Gemütlichkeit {f} |  |
 | RealEst. homeownership [home ownership] | 5 Hausbesitz {m} |  |
 | [Alpine farm producing and selling home-made snacks (esp. cheese, milk)] | Almausschank {m} |  |
 | [country cottage used as secondary home] | Wochenendgrundstück {n} [ostd.] |  |
 | [embroidered home blessing cloth] | gestickter Haussegen {m} [Tuch] |  |
 | sports [football / soccer team of a club's own home-grown players, or esp. young players] | Fohlenelf {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | [formal place for honorary display of recently deceased such as a funeral home] | Aufbahrungsort {m} |  |
 | educ. law [foster home or other place that serves as a temporary home for abused and neglected children] | Jugendhilfeeinrichtung {f} [Deutschland] |  |
 | gastr. [leftover sandwich brought home from an outing or from work] | Hasenbrot {n} [ugs.] [veraltend] |  |
 | [nostalgic Swiss abroad longing to return home] | Heimwehschweizer {pl} [schweiz.] [Schweizer, die Heimweh haben] |  |
 | [original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use] | Mutterwerk {n} |  |
 | [resident of a home for old people or of an almshouse] | Pfründner {m} [veraltet] [Altenheim- oder Armenhausinsasse] |  |
 | [Soviet prisoner-of-war camp not allowing contact with home] | Schweigelager {n} |  |
 | archi. [technology-filled home] | Wohnmaschine {f} [ugs., hum. oder pej.: technisiertes Wohnhaus] |  |
 | fin. insur. Beamtenheimstättenwerk [civil servants' home (building) society] | Beamtenheimstättenwerk {n} |  |