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|  |
 | econ. corporate {adj} [e.g. history, image, merger] | 1335 Firmen- [z. B. Geschichte, Image, Zusammenschluss] |  |
 | glorious {adj} [victory, history etc.] | 185 glorreich |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [past, history, career] | 91 wechselhaft |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [history] | 76 wechselvoll |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [life, history, career] | 51 bewegt |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [life, history, career] | 37 bewegt |  |
 | archi. architectural {adj} [e.g. award, model, office, history] | 25 Architektur- [z. B. Preis, Modell, Büro, Geschichte] |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [past, history, career] | 25 wechselhaft |  |
 | art Egyptianesque {adj} [art history, a retro-style] | 17 ägyptisierend [Kunstgeschichte] |  |
 | med. medical {adj} [e.g. chart, file, history, insurance] | 11 Kranken- [z. B. Blatt, Akte, Geschichte, Versicherung] |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [history] | 8 wechselvoll |  |
 | [concerning the history of civilization] {adj} {adv} | kulturgeschichtlich |  |
 | [pertaining to the history of science] {adj} | wissenschaftshistorisch |  |
 | archi. hist. sociol. Edwardian {adj} [referring to UK history between 1901 and 1910] | Edwardisch [bezogen auf das Vereinigte Königreich zwischen 1901 und 1910] |  |
 | turbulent {adj} [air, history] | bewegt [turbulent] |  |
Verbs |
 | acad. educ. to read sth. [esp. Br.] [history, physics, etc.] | 26 etw.Akk. hören [Geschichte, Physik, usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | trajectory [history] | 325 Zeitschiene {f} |  |
 | development [career, history] | 214 Werdegang {m} |  |
 | record [history] | 205 Vorgeschichte {f} |  |
 | tapestry [fig.] [tapestry of history] | 175 Komplexität {f} |  |
 | annals {pl} [history] | 152 Geschichte {f} [Annalen] |  |
 | biol. naturalist [expert in natural history] | 65 Naturforscher {m} |  |
 | art provenance [history, record of ownership] | 60 Provenienz {f} [von Kunstwerken, Antiquitäten etc.] |  |
 | record [fig.] [personal history] | 51 Vorleben {n} [Lebenslauf, Biografie etc.] |  |
 | [geography, geology, biology, social science and history of a province] | 42 Landeskunde {f} |  |
 | lit. mus. griot | 30 Griot {m} [traditioneller afrikanischer Sänger, Bewahrer der oral history] |  |
 | workings {pl} [of God, nature, history] | 28 Walten {n} [geh.] |  |
 | med. anamnesis [history] | 15 Anamneseerhebung {f} |  |
 | hist. Sonderweg [German history] | 12 Sonderweg {m} |  |
 | hist. Confederacy [U.S. history] | 11 Konföderation {f} |  |
 | hist. publican [Roman history] | 10 Steuereinnehmer {m} |  |
 | hist. publican [Roman history] | 5 Steuerpächter {m} |  |
 | [research into the geography, history and civilisation of a country] | landeskundliche Forschungen {pl} |  |
 | hist. burgrave [German History] | Burggraf {m} |  |
 | hist. spec. Dominate [period of Roman history] | Dominat {m} {n} |  |
 | hist. historian [writer of history] | Geschichtsschreiber {m} |  |
 | lit. theatre histories [history plays] | Historien {pl} |  |
 | historiographer [expert in the discipline of history] | Geschichtsdidaktiker {m} |  |
 | history [science of history] | Historik {f} |  |
 | hist. philos. metahistory [also: meta-history] | Metageschichte {f} |  |
 | hist. pol. Orangism [in the history of the Dutch Republic] | Orangismus {m} [in der Republik der Vereinigten Niederlande] |  |
 | hist. Restauration [Swiss history] | Restauration {f} |  |
 | tapestry [fig.] [tapestry of history etc.] | bunte und vielfältige Mischung {f} |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. ancient historian [historian studying ancient history] | Althistoriker {m} |  |
 | hist. Civil War [U.S. history] | Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg {m} |  |
 | comm. hist. commercial history [history of commerce] | Handelsgeschichte {f} |  |
 | biol. hist. tech. development history [developmental history] | Entwicklungsgeschichte {f} |  |
 | geol. hist. Earth's history [also: earth's history] | Erdgeschichte {f} |  |
 | hist. Estates-General [French history] | Generalstände {pl} |  |
 | biol. geol. hist. evolution history [evolutionary history] | Entwicklungsgeschichte {f} |  |