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quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).]Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben]
zool. tusker [here: male elephant]Elefantenbulle {m}
away {adv} [from here]von dannen [geh.]
away {adv} [from here]von hinnen [geh.]
puritanical {adj} [pej.] [here fig.] [prudish]prüde
(the) present [here and now]Gegenwärtiges {n}
bourgeois [here pej.] [fig.] [philistine]Spießer {m}
licentiousness [here: rare] [general immorality]Unmoral {f}
dishwasher-proof {adj} [here: dishwasher-safe]spülmaschinenfest
dishwasher-safe {adj} [here: dishwasher-proof]spülmaschinengeeignet
C'mere. [coll.] [come here]Komm her.
to galumph [coll.] [here: to strut or prance]stolzieren
bark [literary] [small boat] [here: mastless]Barke {f}
barque [literary] [small boat] [here: mastless]Barke {f}
sports jock [coll., here: sporting ace]Sportskanone {f} [ugs.]
furn. press [esp. Scot.] [Irish] [here: wardrobe]Kleiderschrank {m}
scumbag [sl.] [here: bootlicker]Schleimscheißer {m} [derb] [pej.]
teens [teenage years] [here: awkward age]Flegeljahre {pl}
Ta-da! [see here]Tada! [Siehe da!]
Ta-dah! [see here]Tada! [Siehe da!]
cloth. armbinder [here: monoglove] [bondage gear]Monohandschuh {m} [BDSM-Accessoire]
naut. bark [sailing ship] [here: with three masts]Dreimaster {m}
naut. barque [sailing ship] [here: with three masts]Dreimaster {m}
cloth. dungarees {pl} [esp. Br.] [here: with a bib]Latzhosenjeans {f}
audio film Foley [Am.] [here: creation of sound effects]Geräuschemachen {n}
sports shamateur [coll.] [here: state-sponsored sham amateur]Staatsamateur {m}
hist. pol. united Germany [here: re-united Germany]wiedervereinigtes Deutschland {n}
in short order {adv} [here: shortly afterwards]wenig später
doubt [here: obs.] [apprehension, dread]Zweifelmut {m} [veraltet] [Angst, Sorge]
zool. kitling [archaic] [here: kitten, young cat]Kätzchen {n} [junge Katze]
archi. hist. murder hole [also: murder-hole] [here: embrasure]Schießscharte {f} [Befestigungsanlagen]
cloth. dungarees {pl} [esp. Br.] [here: with a bib]Latzhose {f} [aus Jeansstoff]
gastr. alphabet biscuits {pl} [Br.] [here: made of a special dough]Russischbrot {n}
gastr. alphabet cookies {pl} [Am.] [here: made of a special dough]Russischbrot {n}
to compress sth. [here: esp. plastic deformation]etw.Akk. zusammenstauchen [stauchend zusammendrücken]
conference member [here: member of a standing conference]Mitglied {n} einer Konferenz
journ. investigative journalism [here: esp. gutter-press investigation]Enthüllungsjournalismus {m} [oft leicht pej.]
MedTech. lead apron [here: for the lower body (radiation protection)]Bleischurz {m} [Unterkörperstrahlenschutz]
foreigner [here: male person of foreign ethnicity]Fremdstämmiger {m} [veraltet] [auch Nazi-Terminologie]
VetMed. gag [surgical gag; here: e.g. for dogs]Maulsperre {f} [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten]
dent. med. MedTech. gag [surgical gag; here: for humans]Mundsperre {f} [ugs.] [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten; Kieferspreizer]
throbbing head [fig.] [here esp. as a result of boozing]Brummschädel {m} [ugs.]
accessible by wheelchair {adj} [here: pred.]mit dem Rollstuhl zu erreichen [nur prädikativ]
slag [Br.] [sl.] [here: negligent person, esp. in work] [cf. slacker]Schlamper {m} [ugs.]
gastr. alphabet biscuits {pl} [Br.] [here: made of a special dough]Russisch Brot {n} [fachspr.] [Russischbrot]
gastr. alphabet cookies {pl} [Am.] [here: made of a special dough]Russisch Brot {n} [fachspr.] [Russischbrot]
accessible by car {adj} [here: pred.]mit dem Auto / Wagen zu erreichen [nur prädikativ]
birdbrain [coll.] [silly or stupid person] [here: male]Typ {m} mit (einem) Spatzengehirn [ugs.] [pej.]
pol. secularity [here: neutrality of the state on religious matters]Laizität {f} [weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates]
stogie [Am.] [coll.] [here: any type of cigar]Stumpen {m} [ugs.] [veraltend als: Zigarre allgemein]
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