Dictionary English German: [heard]

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
[we/they/you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. we ain't heard that][wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht [Partizip]
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][du] hast nicht [Partzip]
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][ihr] habt nicht [Partzip]
to ignore sth. [sth. that is heard]
etw. überhören [auf eine Äußerung o. Ä. absichtlich nicht reagieren]
[to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street]häuserweit schreien
to understand [have heard]gehört haben
voice [power to have an opinion heard and considered]
Mitsprache {f}
med. crackles [crackling noises heard on auscultation of the lungs]
Rasselgeräusche {pl} <RG>
med. crackles {pl} [crackling noise heard on auscultation of the lungs]
Rasselgeräusch {n} <RG>
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Rügegericht {n}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Ruggericht {n}
2 Words
to hear sb. do sth. [e.g. I heard him come in.]hören, wie jd. etw. tut [z. B. Ich hörte, wie er hereinkam.]
3 Words
I understand (that) ... [I've heard (that)]Wie man hört, ...
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