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| delicate {adj} [vulnerable, fragile in health] | 434 anfällig | |
| delicate {adj} [in health] | 406 labil | |
| med. poor {adj} [coll.] [health] | 335 angeschlagen [ugs.] [Gesundheit] | |
| fragile {adj} [in health] | 115 anfällig | |
| frail {adj} [health, look] | 60 angegriffen [Gesundheit, Aussehen] | |
| med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health] | 31 kränklich | |
| weakened {adj} [health] | 9 angegriffen [Gesundheit] | |
| maternal {adj} [e.g. mortality, health] | 5 Mütter- [z. B. Sterblichkeit, Gesundheit] | |
| FoodInd. med. insanitary {adj} [unclean enough to endanger health] | gesundheitsschädlich [unhygienisch] | |
| med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health] | schlecht beisammen [bes. südd., österr.] [kränkelnd] | |
| sb./sth. recovered [health] | jd./etw. genas | |
| Splendid! [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ganz ausgezeichnet! [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] | |
Verbs |
| to ruin [health, reputation, evening, holiday] | 576 ruinieren | |
| econ. med. to recover [health, economy] | 371 gesunden [geh.] | |
| med. psych. to recover [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; also: economy etc.] | 187 genesen [geh.] [gesund werden; auch: sich erholen (Wirtschaft etc.)] | |
| to reinforce sth. [fig.] [e.g. sb.'s health] | 114 etw.Akk. kräftigen [fig.] [z. B. jds. Gesundheit] | |
| med. to recover sth. [health] | 81 etw.Akk. wiederherstellen [Gesundheit] | |
| to worsen [e.g. health, hearing] | 12 nachlassen [schwächer / schlechter werden, z. B. Gesundheit, Gehör] | |
| to affect sth. [negatively] [mood, health, etc.] | sich auf etw.Akk. schlagen [Stimmung, Gesundheit etc.] | |
| to decline [performance, health] | sich verschlechtern | |
| to peak [archaic] [decline in health and spirits] | (körperlich und geistig) nachlassen | |
| med. to recover [health] | sich erholen | |
| to recruit sth. [restore or increase health, vigor, or intensity of sth.] | etw.Akk. wiederherstellen [fig.] [Gesundheit, Kraft oder Stärke von etw. erneut herstellen] | |
Nouns |
| med. diet [chosen for health or slimming reasons] | 1027 Diät {f} | |
| recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.] | 572 Genesung {f} [geh.] [Gesundwerden; auch: der Wirtschaft etc.] | |
| zool. nag [coll.] [often pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health] | 163 Gaul {m} [bes. ostd. u. südd., sonst veraltend oder pej.] [Pferd] | |
| health [state of health] | 67 Gesundheitszustand {m} | |
| recovery [return to health] | 51 Gesundung {f} [geh.] | |
| wholesomeness [physical health] | 45 Gesundheit {f} | |
| comm. [euphemism for a health insurance company] | 24 Gesundheitskasse {f} | |
| insur. pharm. formulary [list of medications covered by a health plan] | 21 Positivliste {f} | |
| med. condition [state of health] | 19 Gesundheitszustand {m} | |
| relig. health [dated] [soul's health] | 17 Heil {n} | |
| med. TrVocab. sanitarium [esp. Am] [health resort] | 15 Kurort {m} | |
| insur. med. [non SHI-accredited doctor of your choice, whose bill gets fully or in part paid by your health insurance in Austria] | 9 Wahlarzt {m} [österr.] | |
| [person at a health spa with whom one develops a relationship] | 9 Kurschatten {m} [ugs.] | |
| sports gym [health club] | 8 Fitnesscenter {n} | |
| ruining [of health] | 8 Zerrüttung {f} | |
| med. dissimulation [about the state of health] | 7 Dissimulation {f} | |
| [admirer at a health resort] | Kurschatten {m} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| insur. med. [ambulatory health care in Germany] | kassenärztliche Versorgung {f} | |
| [expiring of public health or unemployment insurance benefits] | Aussteuerung {f} [aus Kranken- oder Arbeitslosenversicherung] | |
| insur. [federation of German health insurance funds for salaried employees] | Verband {m} der Angestellten-Krankenkassen e. V. | |
| med. [followers of the health maintenance regimens of Fr. Sebastian Kneipp] | Kneippianer {pl} | |
| geogr. med. myth. [fountain of health] | Gesundbrunnen {m} | |
| insur. [German public health insurance company] | Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse {f} <AOK> | |
| admin. jobs [head of a Swiss state health department] | Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.] | |
| [health certificate of prostitutes] | Bockschein {m} [ugs.] | |
| [health certificate of prostitutes] | Deckel {m} [österr.] | |
| [Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health] | Institut {n} für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene <IGPP> | |