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|  |
 | bald {adj} [head, tree, also literary] | 4011 kahl |  |
 | addled {adj} [head, brain] | 567 benebelt [ugs.] [geistig verwirrt] |  |
 | despondent {adj} [with one's head hanging low] | 70 kopfhängend [auch fig.] |  |
 | worn {past-p} [on the head] | 26 aufgehabt [ugs.] |  |
 | muddled {adj} [head etc.] | 22 wirr [verwirrt] |  |
 | flower {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bud, head, formation, visitor] | 20 Blüten- [z. B. Knospe, Kopf, Bildung, Besucher] |  |
 | bowed {adj} {past-p} [head] | 18 gesenkt [Kopf] |  |
 | FireResc med. elevated {adj} {past-p} [e.g. head, leg, upper body] | 17 hochgelagert [Extremität] |  |
 | quote [posterity binds no garlands about the actor's head] | Dem Mimen flicht die Nachwelt keine Kränze. [Schiller] |  |
 | captioning {adj} [head] | mit Überschrift versehend |  |
 | disembodied {adj} [head, hand] | (vom Körper) abgetrennt |  |
 | each {adv} [per head] | je Kopf |  |
 | erect {adj} [head] | hoch erhoben |  |
 | rotary {adj} [e.g. brush, compressor, head, microtome, motion, nozzle] | Rotations- [z. B. Bürste, Kompressor, Kopf, Mikrotom, Bewegung, Düse] |  |
 | sagittiform {adj} [arrow-head shaped] | pfeilförmig |  |
 | shaved {adj} [head] | kahlrasiert |  |
Verbs |
 | to bend [head, body] | 573 neigen [Kopf, Körper] |  |
 | to sway sth. [head, hips, branch, tree top] | 162 etw. wiegen [Kopf, Hüften, Zweig, Wipfel] |  |
 | cloth. to wear sth. [on the head] | 68 etw. aufhaben [ugs.] |  |
 | to clock sb. [coll.] [esp. Br.] [hit sb. (esp. on the head)] | 52 jdn. hauen [ugs.] [jdn. schlagen (bes. auf den Kopf)] |  |
 | to press sth. [mostly weights, above one's head] | 13 etw. hochstemmen |  |
 | to conk sb. [coll.] [to hit sb. on the head] | jdm./jdn. auf die Rübe hauen [leicht derb] |  |
 | to conk sb. [coll.] [to hit sb. on the head] | jdm. eins auf die Rübe hauen [leicht derb] |  |
 | to crown sb. [coll.] [hit on top of the head] | jdm./jdn. auf den Kopf schlagen |  |
 | to duck [lower the head or the body quickly] | sich ducken |  |
 | to duck [lower the head quickly] | den Kopf einziehen |  |
 | to gash sth. [one's knee, one's head] | sichDat. etw. aufschlagen [das Knie, den Kopf] |  |
 | to hit sth. [e.g. one's head on a door] | sichDat. etw.Akk. anhauen [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [stoßen: z. B. den Kopf] |  |
 | med. to skin sth. [hand, leg, head, etc.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. aufschürfen [Knie etc.] |  |
 | to stoop [walk with a forward inclination of the head, body, or shoulders] | gebückt gehen |  |
 | to unhair sth. [archaic] [head] | jds. Haupt enthaaren [geh.] [veraltet] |  |
 | to woggle sth. [less frequent than: waggle] [e.g. move one's head repeatedly up and down] | etw.Akk. mehrmals auf und ab bewegen [Kopf, Finger] |  |
Nouns |
 | pate [hum.] [head] | 2663 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | lump [protuberance or swelling (on the head etc.)] | 491 Beule {f} [Schwellung (am Kopf etc.)] |  |
 | tech. studs [similar to bolts but without the head] | 392 Bolzen {pl} |  |
 | bot. gastr. cabbage [head] | 257 Kohlkopf {m} |  |
 | bounty [on sb.'s head] | 239 Kopfgeld {n} |  |
 | anat. noggin [coll.] [a person's head] | 155 Kopf {m} [eines Menschen] |  |
 | chief [leader, head] | 148 Oberhaupt {n} |  |
 | cloth. kerchief [tied round the head] | 120 Kopftuch {n} |  |
 | tack [nail - esp. with small head] | 117 Stift {m} [Nagel] |  |
 | educ. jobs principal [Am.] [head of a school] | 104 Schulleiter {m} |  |
 | dome [sl.] [head] | 99 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | anat. noggin [coll.] [head] | 99 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | crown [topmost part of the head] | 87 Scheitel {m} [oberste Stelle des Kopfes] |  |
 | nut [coll.] [head] | 82 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | [a knock with the fist or knuckles on sb.'s head] | 50 Kopfnuss {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | sconce [sl.] [dated] [head, skull] | 39 Schädel {m} |  |
 | dome [coll.] [head] | 36 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | residence [of a head of state] | 33 Amtssitz {m} |  |