| English  | German |  |
 | musty {adj} [having a mouldy or damp smell] | 1720 muffig [modrig, dumpf] |  |
 | VetMed. rabid {adj} [having rabies] | 1457 tollwütig |  |
 | rectangular {adj} [having a right angle] | 1301 rechtwinklig |  |
 | seamless {adj} [fig.] [perfect and having no flaws or errors] | 888 makellos |  |
 | muscular {adj} [having well-developed muscles] | 455 muskulös |  |
 | bony {adj} [having prominent bones, e.g. body, hand] | 416 knochig [z. B. Körper, Hand] |  |
 | buff {adj} [having the color of leather] | 351 lederfarben [gelbbraun] |  |
 | buff {adj} [having the color of leather] | 329 lederfarbig |  |
 | deflated {adj} {past-p} [having lost one's conceitedness] | 257 ernüchtert |  |
 | uxorious {adj} [rare] [husband: having or showing a great fondness for his wife] | 228 treuliebend [Ehemann] |  |
 | FoodInd. pitted {adj} {past-p} [having the pits removed] | 187 entkernt |  |
 | seamless {adj} [fig.] [perfect and having no flaws or errors] | 180 einwandfrei |  |
 | spotty {adj} [Br.] [having pimples] | 157 pickelig |  |
 | serious {adj} [having serious consequences] | 156 folgenreich [folgenschwer] |  |
 | even {adj} [having nothing due on either side or having exacted full revenge] | 152 quitt [nur prädikativ] |  |
 | flat {adj} [having a smooth and even surface] | 146 plan [bes. Fachsprache] |  |
 | noticed {past-p} [having been noticed] | 146 aufgefallen |  |
 | featuring {prep} [having as a feature] | 130 mit |  |
 | delicate {adj} [having a fine structure or texture] | 129 filigran [feingliedrig] |  |
 | multifarious {adj} [having great variety] | 114 vielgestaltig |  |
 | gastr. boned {adj} {past-p} [having the bones removed] | 105 entbeint |  |
 | stout {adj} [having bravery, marked by bravery] | 103 tapfer [Kämpfer, Widerstand etc.] |  |
 | scrupulous {adj} [having scruples, principled; minutely careful or precise] | 93 skrupulös [geh.] [veraltend] [bedenkenvoll; peinlich genau, gewissenhaft] |  |
 | congenial {adj} [having the same nature] | 72 gleichartig |  |
 | constr. sheltered {adj} {past-p} [having a roof] | 66 überdacht |  |
 | scrupulous {adj} [having scruples] | 52 bedenklich [zweifelnd] |  |
 | doughy {adj} [having the consistency of dough] | 40 zäh [zähflüssig, teigig] |  |
 | hampered {adj} [having difficulty walking] | 36 gehbehindert |  |
 | acad. lit. literary {adj} [having to do with literary studies] | 36 literaturwissenschaftlich |  |
 | flavorful {adj} [Am.] [having a strong flavor] | 35 geschmacksintensiv |  |
 | law inheritable {adj} [rare] [having the right to inherit] | 32 erbberechtigt [Personen] |  |
 | qualified {adj} {past-p} [having training] | 32 ausgebildet |  |
 | worth {prep} [pred.] [having a value of] | 32 über [im Wert von] |  |
 | cursive {adj} [having a flowing, easy character] | 30 fließend [fig.] |  |
 | ling. lit. verbal {adj} [having to do with spoken or written words] | 23 sprachlich |  |
 | gastr. pitted {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Can.] [having had the pit removed] | 20 ausgesteint [Steinobst] |  |
 | ling. cognate {adj} [having the same root] | 19 wurzelverwandt |  |
 | potent {adj} [having great power, influence, or effect] | 19 wirkmächtig [geh.] |  |
 | sissified {adj} [coll.] [having the characteristics of a sissy, timid] | 19 zimperlich [übertrieben empfindlich, zurückhaltend] |  |
 | unmannerly {adj} [not having or showing good manners] | 18 ungezogen [mit schlechtem Benehmen] |  |
 | substantial {adj} [having substance] | 17 materiell |  |
 | fizzy {adj} [having a lot of bubbles] | 16 perlend [z. B. Perlwein] |  |
 | sociol. [having a disproportionate number of old people] {adj} | 14 überaltert |  |
 | electr. material refractory {adj} [having a high melting point] | 13 hochschmelzend |  |
 | understanding {adj} [archaic] [having good judgement] | 13 verständig |  |
 | philos. [non-religious but having broadly Christian values] {adj} | 12 christentümlich |  |
 | bot. zool. spineless {adj} [having no spines or quills] | 11 stachellos |  |
 | anat. ectomorphic {adj} [having a light body build] | 10 schlank [ektomorph; eine hagere, hoch aufgeschossene Konstitution aufweisend] |  |
 | med. chesty {adj} [having a cold] | 9 erkältet |  |
 | congenial {adj} [having the same nature, disposition, or tastes] | 9 wahlverwandt [seelenverwandt] |  |