Dictionary English German: [harvested]

Translation 1 - 6 of 6

English German
agr. crop [amount of produce harvested at one time]
Ernte {f} [Ertrag, Ausbeute]
agr. crop [harvested crop]
Erntegut {n}
pharm. [a live, freeze-dried preparation of attenuated 17D strain yellow fever virus cultured in, and harvested from, embryonated chicken eggs]auf Hühnerembryonen gezüchteter 17-D-Lebendvirusimpfstoff {m}
hunting field dressing [gutting harvested game in the field]Aufbrechen {n}
oenol. grape harvest [grapes harvested or to be harvested]Lesegut {n}
agr. harvest yield [harvested crop]Erntegut {n} [Geerntetes]
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