Dictionary English German: [greeting]

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
hunting [hunters' greeting]Waidmanns Heil!
mining Glückauf! [Good luck! German miners' greeting]Glückauf! [deutscher Bergmannsgruß] [auch: Glück auf!]
Helau! [local German greeting during carnival season]Helau! [regionaler Narrenruf]
to accost sb. [to speak to in familiar way with a greeting]
jdn. ansprechen [vertraulich anreden, grüßen]
to doff sth. [to take off a hat or cap for greeting]
etw.Akk. lüften [Mütze oder Hut zum Gruß]
to bow [make a gesture of greeting]sichAkk. verbeugen
to regreet sb. [return a greeting] [archaic]jdn. zurückgrüßen
card [greeting, playing, credit card]
Karte {f} [Postkarte, Spielkarte, Kreditkarte]
accost [rare] [a greeting]
Gruß {m} [das Begrüßen]
valentine [greeting]
Valentinsgruß {m}
TrVocab. wai [Thai greeting]
Wai {m} [thailändischer Gruß]
bestowal [of an honour, a greeting etc.]
Erweisung {f} [selten]
[traditional greeting of social democrats, socialists and communists]Freundschaft!
hongi [traditional nose kiss (Maori greeting custom)]Hongi {m} [»Nasenkuss«, Begrüßungsform der Maori]
2 Words
in greeting {adv} [e.g. nodded in greeting]zum Gruß / Gruße [z. B. nickte zum Gruß(e)]
card making [greeting cards]Kartenbasteln {n} [Grußkarten]
fist bump [Am.] [coll.] [greeting in lieu of handshake]Faustcheck {m} [ugs.]
ling. greeting phrase [greeting formula]Grußformel {f}
3 Words
Dear Valued Customer [greeting on business correspondence]Sehr geehrter Kunde, ...
on bowing terms {adv} [archaic] [on greeting terms]auf Grüßfuß [ugs.] [regional] [Redewendung]
Thinking of you. [greeting card sentiment]Ich denk an dich.
You are welcome. [as a greeting] [said to one or more people addressed with the formal 'Sie']Seien Sie mir willkommen. [geh.]
4 Words
How do you do? [greeting]Guten Tag!
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