Dictionary English German: [graphic]

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

English German
diagraming {adj} {pres-p} [Am.] [representing sth. in graphic form]schematisierend [z. B. Verbindungen in einer Darstellung / einem Schaltbild]
comp. control [graphic interface control button]
Schaltfläche {f}
scripting [transferring phonetic information into graphic symbols]
Verschriftung {f}
ling. lit. stemma [graphic presentation of manuscripts of a literary work, or of a sentence]Stemma {n}
2 Words
comm. print publ. antiques dealer [in books and graphic art]Antiquar {m}
comp. graphics programming [also: graphic programming]Grafikprogrammierung {f} [auch: Grafik-Programmierung]
hex sign [Am.] [graphic used esp. by settlers in Eastern Pennsylvania]Hexenzeichen {n} [Symbolbild an Farmgebäuden in Pennsylvania]
constr. tech. installation plan [graphic plan]Einbauzeichnung {f}
RadioTV lower third [graphic placed in the lower area of the screen]Bauchbinde {f} [Einblendung am unteren Bildrand]
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