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 | caring {adj} [government or society that is concerned about human welfare] | 32 sozial [mitmenschlich] |  |
 | [the government] nationalized | 15 [die Regierung] verstaatlichte |  |
 | recipient {adj} [e.g. recipient government] | 15 empfangend [z. B. empfangende Regierung] |  |
 | [the government] nationalizes | [die Regierung] verstaatlicht |  |
 | caretaker {adj} [e.g., caretaker government] | Übergangs- [z. B. Übergangsregierung] |  |
 | councilor's {adj} [Am.] [attr.] [government] | regierungsrätlich [bes. schweiz] |  |
 | transitionary {adj} [e. g. government, period] | Übergangs- [z. B. Regierung, Periode] |  |
Verbs |
 | pol. to fall [government] | 550 scheitern |  |
 | pol. to establish sth. [government] | 64 etw. bilden [Regierung] |  |
 | to socialize sth. [place under government control] | 8 etw.Akk. verstaatlichen |  |
 | [to pay off government marriage loans by having a certain number of children] | etw. abkindern [ugs.] [Ehestandsdarlehen im Dritten Reich und der DDR] |  |
 | pol. to restore [monarch, government etc.] | wieder einsetzen |  |
Nouns |
 | pol. administration [Am.] [government] | 283 Regierung {f} |  |
 | pol. secretary [top-level government employee] | 221 Minister {m} |  |
 | austerity [difficult economic conditions created by government measures] | 169 Knappheit {f} [wegen Rationierung] |  |
 | pol. subversion [of a government] | 76 Sturz {m} |  |
 | pol. papers [written documents, esp. for the Government] | 59 Akten {pl} [Papiere, Dokumente] |  |
 | fed [Am.] [coll.] [federal government enforcement agent] | 43 Bundesagent {m} [USA] |  |
 | [government-issued identification card] | 41 Personalausweis {m} |  |
 | housekeeping [of business, government etc.] | 39 Organisation {f} |  |
 | pol. regimen [archaic] [government] | 38 Regierung {f} |  |
 | fin. [government-set maximum retail selling price] | 28 Höchstpreisverordnung {f} |  |
 | regiment [obs.] [government, rule] | 20 Herrschaft {f} |  |
 | hist. the Raj [British government of India, 1858-1947] | 20 [britische Herrschaft in Indien, 1858-1947] |  |
 | workings {pl} [the manner of functioning or operating; e.g. the inner workings of the government] | 20 Arbeitsweise {f} |  |
 | admin. law pol. investigator [female] [from government department] | 19 Untersuchungsbeamtin {f} |  |
 | junket [coll.] [celebration, esp. one enjoyed by government officials at public expense] | 19 Lustbarkeit {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [Feier] |  |
 | pol. Hansard [transcripts of parliamentary debates in the Westminster system of government] | 17 Parlamentsprotokoll {n} |  |
 | jobs law pol. justice [a judge on the highest court of a government, such as a judge on the US Supreme Court] | 17 Richter {m} [am Obersten Gerichtshof eines Staates, z. B. der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika] |  |
 | comp. [Trojan (horse) software used by the government] | 8 Staatstrojaner {m} |  |
 | hist. law pol. [intervention against a single state led by the central government to enforce imperial law in German empires] | 7 Reichsexekution {f} |  |
 | admin. [female high government official responsible for family affairs] | 6 Familienministerin {f} |  |
 | pol. [proportional representation of ruling parties in government, administration and public sector] | 5 Proporz {m} [österr.] |  |
 | pol. aristocracy [government by aristocrats] | 5 Adelsherrschaft {f} |  |
 | regiment [archaic] [rule or government] | 5 Regiment {n} [Herrschaft, Regierung] |  |
 | hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories] | Judenbuße {f} |  |
 | [corporation or institution directly under federal government control] | bundesunmittelbare Anstalt {f} |  |
 | [corporation or institution directly under federal government control] | bundesunmittelbare Körperschaft {f} |  |
 | [German government bonus and pension supplement] | Aufstockungsbetrag {m} |  |
 | [German government economics adviser] | Wirtschaftsweiser {m} |  |
 | hist. pol. [Germany during the time when Bonn was seat of government] | Bonner Republik {f} |  |
 | pol. [high government official responsible for family matters] | Familienminister {m} |  |
 | pol. [incompatibility of (government / political) office and (parliamentary) mandate] | Unvereinbarkeit {f} von Amt und Mandat |  |
 | pol. [member of the Government in one of the States of Austria] | Landesrat {m} [Österreich] |  |
 | pol. [minister not responsible for any government department] | Sprechminister {m} [veraltet] |  |
 | law [obligation to possess (but not to carry) a government-issued identity card] | Ausweispflicht {f} |  |
 | hist. philat. [official mail in the GDR between government agencies and industries] | Zentraler Kurierdienst {m} <ZKD> [in der DDR] |  |
 | pol. [the federal government of Switzerland, seated in Bern] | Bundesbern {n} [schweiz.] [ugs.] |  |
 | hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government] | Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet] |  |
 | jobs law pol. justice [female] [a female judge on the highest court of a government, such as a female judge on the US Supreme Court] | Richterin {f} [am Obersten Gerichtshof eines Staates, z. B. der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika] |  |