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| sporty {adj} [e.g. clothes, car] [esp. Br. also: good at sport] | 691 sportlich [flott (wirkend), z. B. Kleidung, Auto] [auch: gut im Sport] | |
| Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] | 625 Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß] [Gott behüte dich!] | |
| propitious {adj} [giving or indicating a good chance of success] | 608 verheißungsvoll | |
| lucky {adj} [bringing good luck] | 450 glückbringend | |
| vulgar {adj} [lacking good taste] | 408 geschmacklos [stillos] | |
| Morning. [coll.] [Good morning.] | 225 Morgen. [ugs.] [Guten Morgen.] | |
| groovy {adj} [sl.] [very good] | 189 mega [ugs.] [ausgezeichnet] | |
| low {adj} {adv} [not good, low in number] | 88 schlecht [gering, niedrig] | |
| singular {adj} [exceptionally good or great; remarkable] | 78 einmalig [einzigartig] | |
| bitching {adj} [sl.] [really good] | 67 gut | |
| reasonable {adj} [quite good] | 66 ordentlich [ganz gut] | |
| terrific {adj} [coll.] [extremely good or intense, often used in a sarcastic sense] | 54 doll [ugs.] [großartig oder sehr ausgeprägt, oft im ironischen Sinn gebraucht] [vgl. toll] | |
| sound [Br.] [coll.] [good, e.g. "Sound as a pound!"] | 51 sauber [ugs.] | |
| GSOH [coll.] [good sense of humour] | 48 [guter Sinn für Humor] | |
| handsome {adj} [good-looking of a girl, woman] | 24 sauber [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [hübsch, schmuck] | |
| bloody {adv} [good, brilliant] [Br.] [coll.] | 18 echt [ugs.] | |
| unmannerly {adj} [not having or showing good manners] | 18 ungezogen [mit schlechtem Benehmen] | |
| Evening! [coll.] [Good evening!] | 15 Nabend! [ugs.] [Guten Abend!] | |
| understanding {adj} [archaic] [having good judgement] | 13 verständig | |
| unmannered {adj} [lacking good manners, rude] | 10 unhöflich [ungehobelt] | |
| sonsy {adj} [also: sonsie] [Scot.] [Irish] [Br. dial.] [good-looking] | 7 ansehnlich [stattlich und attraktiv] | |
| dance mus. boppy {adj} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [suitable or good for dancing to] [of pop music] | 5 tanzbar [vor allem Pop-Musik] | |
| proverb [Beer before wine, you'll feel fine; wine before beer, you'll feel queer. / Wine on beer, give good cheer; beer on wine, you'll repine.] | Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein; Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir. [auch: Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir; Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein.] | |
| quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).] | Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben] | |
| quote [They who want to build high towers have to give good consideration to the foundation.] | Wer hohe Türme bauen will, muss lange beim Fundament verweilen. [Anton Bruckner] | |
| proverb [used e.g. by actors to answer a good wish out of the superstition that giving thanks would bring bad luck] | Wird schon schiefgehen! [ugs.] | |
| competent {adj} [of a good standard but not very good] | ganz passabel | |
| egregious {adj} [obs.] [remarkably good] | außergewöhnlich (gut) | |
| Farewell! [Good-bye] | Habe die Ehre! [veraltend bei Verabschiedung] | |
| mining Glückauf! [Good luck! German miners' greeting] | Glückauf! [deutscher Bergmannsgruß] [auch: Glück auf!] | |
| good {adj} [considerable] [e.g., "a good distance"] | ziemlich [attr.] [ugs.] [beträchtlich] [z. B. "eine ziemliche Strecke"] | |
| groovy {adj} [coll., dated] [very good] | in Ordnung | |
| hopeless {adj} [useless, no good] | nutzlos | |
| memorious {adj} [having a good memory] | gedächtnisstark | |
| sonsy {adj} [also: sonsie] [Br.] [archaic, dial.: of good omen, lucky] | glückbringend | |
| unmannered {adj} [lacking good manners; rude] | ungehobelt [grobschlächtig, unhöflich] | |
| unnecessarily {adv} [for no reason, without good cause] | ohne Not [geh.] [Redewendung] [ohne zwingenden Grund] | |
Verbs |
| to taste [+ adj.: good, horrible, etc.] | 2732 schmecken [+ Adj.: gut, schrecklich usw.] | |
| to maintain sth. [keep in good condition] | 1721 etw.Akk. pflegen | |
| cloth. to suit sb. [to look good on] | 820 jdm. stehen | |
| tech. to maintain sth. [e.g. keep a machine in good condition] | 528 etw.Akk. warten [z. B. Maschine] | |
| to spoil sth. [evening, good mood, landscape] | 425 etw.Akk. versauen [ugs.] | |
| to snag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [obtain by quick action or good fortune] | 97 etw.Akk. ergattern [ugs.] | |
| to fail [good mood, humor, powers] | 74 versiegen [gute Laune, Humor, Kräfte] | |
| to maintain sth. [keep in good condition] | etw.Akk. instand halten | |
| to maintain sth. [keep sth. in good condition] | etw.Akk. in Stand halten | |
| to rattle [during Holy Week, on Good Friday] | klöppern [auch: schlöttern] [fränk.] [ratschen an den Kartagen] | |
Nouns |
| goodness [quality of being good or kind] | 1104 Güte {f} | |
| merit [good feature] | 500 Vorzug {m} | |
| poise [composure; good carriage] | 357 Haltung {f} [körperlich, seelisch] | |