| English | German | |
| propitious {adj} [giving or indicating a good chance of success] | 606 verheißungsvoll | |
| generous {adj} [open-handed, giving freely] | 479 freigiebig | |
| generous {adj} [open-handed, giving freely] | 436 freigebig | |
| bountiful {adj} [giving generously] | 71 freigiebig | |
| fin. bonding {adj} [giving sth. as a bond, pawn] | 27 verpfändend | |
| cheering {adj} [giving hope, making glad, or giving courage] | 20 aufmunternd | |
| bountiful {adj} [giving generously] | 18 freigebig | |
| monitory {adj} [rare] [giving / serving as a warning] | 14 mahnend | |
| shady {adj} [giving shade] | 13 schattenspendend | |
| bounteous {adj} [archaic] [generously giving] | 11 freigebig | |
| goosing {adj} {pres-p} [Am.] [coll.] [giving a boost] | 8 anstachelnd [anspornend] | |
| proverb [used e.g. by actors to answer a good wish out of the superstition that giving thanks would bring bad luck] | Wird schon schiefgehen! [ugs.] | |
| abnegatory {adj} [relinquishing, giving up] | verzichtend | |
| over {adv} [giving a direction] | ummi [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [hinüber, herrüber] | |
| shady {adj} [giving shade] | Schatten spendend | |
| unfocused {adj} [not giving a clear image] | unscharf | |
Verbs |
| med. to push [giving birth] | 38 pressen [während einer Presswehe] | |
Nouns |
| manual [giving instructions] | 361 Gebrauchsanweisung {f} [Handbuch] | |
| return [giving back] | 117 Rückgabe {f} | |
| referee [Br.: sb. giving a reference] | 53 Referent {m} [Gutachter] | |
| rhet. talker [giving a speech publicly] | 15 Redner {m} | |
| return [giving back] | 6 Herausgabe {f} [Rückgabe] | |
| [order of giving vaccinations] | Impfreihenfolge {f} | |
| med. [woman giving birth without a doctor or midwife in attendance] | Alleingebärende {f} | |
| bestowal [act of giving] | Schenken {n} | |
| neol. Janopause [the practice of giving up alcohol for January] | [Alkoholabstinenz im Januar nach den Feiertagen] | |
| psych. spec. sensegiving [also: sense-giving] | Sensegiving {n} [Fachjargon für: Sinngebung] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| comm. to be ticketed [retail product; marked with a label giving its price, size, etc.] | ausgepreist sein [etikettiert sein] | |
| to choose sb. for sth. [e.g. the giving of a speech] | jdn. zu etw.Dat. auserkiesen [geh.] [z. B. zum Sprecher] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| RealEst. crawl space [area of limited height under a floor, giving access to wiring and plumbing] | Kriechkeller {m} [Installationsraum für Elektro- und Rohrleitungen] | |
| traffic traffic sign [giving an instruction] | Gebotsschild {n} | |
3 Words: Others |
| Here you are. [said when giving, for example, some food or drink] | (Hier) bitte schön. | |
| There you are. [used when giving sth. to sb.] | Hier, bitte schön. [beim Überreichen von etw.] | |
| There you are. [used when giving sth. to sb.] | Hier, bitte sehr. [beim Überreichen von etw.] | |
| There you go, ... [informal] [used when giving sth. to sb.] | Bitte sehr / schön ... [wenn jd. jdm. etw. aushändigt] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to keep on at sb. [coll.] [to be giving a hard time to sb.] | jdn. zwiebeln [ugs.] [schikanieren] | |
| film lit. to spoil the ending [by giving it away] | das Ende verraten | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| (child-) bearing function [giving birth] | Gebärfunktion {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| The cow is dry. [not giving milk] | Die Kuh steht trocken. [gibt keine Milch] | |