Dictionary English German: [generally]

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

English German
ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
popularly {adv} [generally]
common {adj} [generally known]allgemein bekannt
popular {adj} [generally intelligible]exoterisch [geh.] [allgemein verständlich]
public {adj} [generally known]allgemein bekannt
ling. semantics [generally treated as sg.]
Semantik {f}
mil. trooper [coll.] [generally in the meaning of grunt, doughboy, GI or squaddie]
Soldat {m} [allgemein im Sinne von Landser oder Muschkote]
ling. semantics [generally treated as sg.]
Bedeutungslehre {f}
forename [by which a person is generally called]
Rufname {m}
ling. pragmatics [generally treated as sg.]
Pragmatik {f}
textil. rags [generally, also for making paper]
Hadern {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
comm. [business having short periods of peak activity, generally season- or time-of-day-related]
Stoßgeschäft {n}
acad. hist. ling. Arabistics [generally treated as a sg.]
Arabistik {f}
[offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.]Majestätsbeleidigung {f}
acad. ling. anthroponomastics [generally treated as a sg]Anthroponomastik {f}
relig. apocalyptic [not generally recognized as a noun by dictionaries, but often used so]Apokalyptik {f}
philos. aporetics [generally treated as sg.]Aporetik {f}
sports B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches]B-Elf {f}
gastr. capellini [generally treated as sg.]Capellini {pl}
casuistics [generally treated as sg.]Kasuistik {f}
ling. psych. chronemics [generally treated as sg.]Chronemik {f}
hieroglyphic [sign system] [rare] [generally now considered incorrect for 'hieroglyphics', esp. in British English].Hieroglyphenschrift {f}
acad. hist. spec. hodegetics [generally treated as sg.]Hodegetik {f}
biol. multiomics [generally treated as sg]Multiomik {f}
zool. T
Oktopusse {pl}
sacrosanctity [rel. and generally]Sakrosanktheit {f} [rel. und allg.]
acad. hist. sphragistics [generally treated as sg.]Siegelkunde {f}
geogr. Spires [archaic] [now generally called Speyer in English]Speyer {n}
relig. spec. theologics [generally treated as sg.]Theologik {f}
2 Words: Others
properly understood {adj} [generally postpos.]wohlverstanden [geh.] [auch: wohl verstanden]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. Allemande sauce [generally known and mistakenly called as sauce Parisienne]deutsche Sauce {f} [Sauce allemande]
archi. constr. engin. architectural statics [generally treated as sg.]Baustatik {f}
med. pharm. compassionate use <CU> [term that is not generally used by the FDA]Compassionate Use {m} <CU>
lit. easy read [generally]Unterhaltungslektüre {f}
lit. easy read [generally]leichte Lektüre {f}
audio excessive noise [noise exceeding the generally recognised limits]Lärm {m}
first name [by which a person is generally known]Rufname {m} <Rfn.>
phys. Hamiltonian mechanics [generally treated as sg.]hamiltonsche Mechanik {f}
Hell's Angel [member of said gang or, generally, any greasy motorcyclist]Rocker {m}
admin. hist. med. medical police [generally treated as plural]Medizinalpolizei {f}
set definition [generally agreed-upon or settled]allgemeingültige Definition {f}
agr. geol. soil sampling {sg} [generally]Bodenprobennahmen {pl}
rail summit tunnel [generally only used to refer to the higher of two tunnels through the same mountain]Scheiteltunnel {m}
ling. textual pragmatics [generally treated as a sg.]Textpragmatik {f}
whisky barrel [spelling generally used in Canada, Japan, Scotland, England, Wales]Whiskyfass {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to take a leak [coll.] [generally referring to men's urinating]schiffen [ugs.] [urinieren]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Acts of John [Acta Ioannis] [generally treated as sg.]Johannesakten {pl}
hist. relig. Acts of Peter [Acta Petri] [generally treated as sg.]Petrusakten {pl}
hist. relig. Acts of Philip [Acta Philippi] [generally treated as sg.]Philippusakten {pl}
back-up scales [generally treated as sg.]Reservewaage {f}
hist. Free German Youth [used primarily as a gloss for Freideutsche Jugend, which is generally used untranslated in English texts]Freideutsche Jugend {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Army / army [generally] [but not HRE]kaiserliches Heer {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to be in the know [idiom] [generally for things which are not widely known]im Bild / Bilde sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
equest. VetMed. injury to the coronet [generally caused by overreaching]Krontritt {m} [Verletzung]
5+ Words: Nouns
equest. VetMed. injury to the heel bulb [generally caused by overreaching]Ballentritt {m} [Verletzung]
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