Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [gas]

Übersetzung 151 - 176 von 176  <<


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phys. general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R>allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R>
grid usage contract [gas, electricity]Netznutzungsvertrag {m} [Gas, Strom]
high caloric gas [natural gas]H-Gas {n} [Erdgas]
tech. hot-gas channel [also: hot gas channel]Heißgaskanal {m}
tech. house connection lineHausanschlussleitung {f} [für Gas, Wasser]
tech. lean-gas operation [lean-gas powered]Schwachgasbetrieb {m}
low caloric gas [natural gas]L-Gas {n} [Erdgas]
natural gas installation [natural gas facility]Erdgasanlage {f}
network access model [e.g. gas]Netzzugangsmodell {n} [z. B. Gas]
rate of expansion [in space, e.g. of a gas]Ausdehnungsgeschwindigkeit {f}
tech. standard cubic metre [Br.] [gas]Normkubikmeter {m} [Gas]
phys. states of matter [solid, liquid, and gas]Aggregatzustände {pl}
automot. tech. waste gas stream [also: waste-gas stream]Abgasstrom {m}
wholesale (power) supplierVorversorger {m} [Strom, Gas]
4 Wörter
jobs balancing area grid operator [gas]Marktgebietsverantwortlicher {m} [Gas]
tech. blow-off stop valve [gas / steam outlet]Abblaseabsperrventil {n} [Gas- / Dampf-Austritt]
tech. gas tungsten arc welding <GTAW> [tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding]Argonarc-Schweißen {n}
engin. tech. gas-to-liquid process <GtL, GTL process> [gas to liquids]GtL-Verfahren {n} [Gas to Liquids]
tech. main shut-off deviceHauptabsperrvorrichtung {f} [für Gas, Wasser]
5+ Wörter
econ. EU law acceleration directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC [gas]Beschleunigungsrichtlinien {pl} 2003/54/EG und 2003/55/EG [Gas]
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
bot. T
bot. T
Diptam {m}
bot. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
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