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| comprehensive {adj} [network, gas supply] | 1341 flächendeckend | |
| mephitic {adj} [literary] [noxious smell, esp. from gas or vapor / vapour] | 14 übelriechend [speziell von Gas oder Dampf] | |
| pharm. compressed {adj} {past-p} [e.g. gas] | druckverdichtet [z. B. Gas] | |
| escaped {adj} {past-p} [steam, gas] | ausgeströmt [Dampf, Gas] | |
| laughing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bag, fit, gas] | Lach- [z. B. Sack, Anfall, Gas] | |
| supercooled {adj} {past-p} | unterkühlt [Flüssigkeit, Metall, Gas] | |
Verbs |
| to emit [fumes, gas, smoke] | 2158 ausstoßen | |
| to escape | 652 entweichen [Dampf, Gas, Schadstoffe] | |
| to fail [harvest, machine, engine, electricity, gas, water] | 598 ausfallen [Ernte, Maschine, Motor, Strom, Gas, Wasser] | |
| to escape | 565 ausströmen [Dampf, Gas] | |
| to light sth. [e.g. a gas oven] | 462 etw.Akk. anfeuern [z. B. Gasofen] | |
| to leak [gas] | 456 entweichen | |
| chem. to pass sth. [e.g. a gas into a solution] | 328 etw. einleiten [z. B. ein Gas in eine Lösung] | |
| to escape [gas] | 323 entströmen [geh.] | |
| to funnel [of gases] | 299 strömen [Gas] | |
| to flow [also fig.] | 202 strömen [Blut, auch Gas] [auch fig.] | |
| to dissipate [smoke, gas] | 86 verflüchtigen | |
| to leak [liquid, gas etc.] | 85 austreten [Flüssigkeit etc.] | |
| to disconnect sth. [telephone, electricity, gas, etc.] | 83 etw.Akk. abstellen [das Telefon, den Strom, das Gas etc.] | |
| chem. to evolve sth. | 80 etw. abgeben [Energie, Gas etc.] | |
| to leak [gas] | 69 entströmen [Gas] | |
| electr. hydro. to carry sth. [liquid, gas, electricity, etc.] | 50 etw. leiten [Flüssigkeit, Gas, Strom etc.] | |
| pharm. to purge [by gas] | 43 begasen | |
| to gas sb. | 41 jdn. vergasen [töten durch Gas] | |
| tech. to discharge | 24 ausspeisen [z. B. Gas] | |
| to supercool | 5 unterkühlen [Flüssigkeit, Metall, Gas] | |
| to bubble [gas, water] | Blasen bilden [Gas, Wasser] | |
| to escape [gas, air] | abströmen [Gas, Luft] | |
| phys. tech. to inject sth. [natural gas storage] | etw. einspeichern [bei Gasbefüllung von Erdgasspeichern] | |
| to leak sth. [e. g. gas, oil, water] | etw. austreten lassen [z. B. Gas, Öl, Wasser] | |
| to undercool | unterkühlen [Flüssigkeit, Metall, Gas] | |
Nouns |
| electr. grid [electricity, gas network] | 125 Verteilernetz {n} | |
| leakage [fluids, gases, material] | 56 Austritt {m} [Flüssigkeit, Gas, Materialien allgem.] | |
| utilities | 49 Medienanschlüsse {pl} [Strom, Wasser, Abwasser, Gas] | |
| main [principle pipe; principle cable] | 39 Hauptleitung {f} [für Strom, Wasser, Gas, etc.] | |
| constr. escape [vent / opening for the escape of smoke, gas] | 31 Abzug {m} [z. B. für Rauch, Gas] | |
| cylinder [gas cylinder] | 20 Gasflasche {f} | |
| utilities | 17 Hausanschlüsse {pl} [Strom, Wasser, Abwasser, Gas, Telefon, Internet] | |
| law [regulations on general terms and conditions of the supply of natural gas] | 13 Gasgrundversorgungsverordnung {f} <GasGVV> | |
| leakage | 13 Austreten {n} [Ausströmen, Entweichen, z. B. von Gas] | |
| escape [of steam, gas] | 11 Ausströmen {n} [von Dampf, Gas] | |
| mining production [gas and crude oil] | 10 Förderung {f} [Gas und Erdöl] | |
| law [(German) gas network access ordinance] | 8 Gasnetzzugangsverordnung {f} <GasNZV> | |
| chem. pharm. lachrymator [a tear-producing substance (as tear gas, pepper spray)] | 6 Augenreizstoff {m} | |
| tech. cutoff [gas, electricity etc.] | 5 Absperrung {f} [Gas, Strom usw.] | |
| chem. pharm. lacrimator [spv.] [a tear-producing substance (as tear gas, pepper spray)] | 5 Augenreizstoff {m} | |
| [burst of a gas line or main] | Gasgebrechen {n} [österr.] | |
| law [General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Gas] | Allgemeine Bedingungen {pl} für die Gasversorgung <AVBGas> | |
| law [regulation on general conditions for the gas supply of tariff customers] | Verordnung {f} über allgemeine Bedingungen für die Gasversorgung von Tarifkunden <AVBGasV> | |
| mining blowout [uncontrollable escape of oil or gas from a well] | Blow-out {m} [auch: Blowout] [unkontrollierter Ausbruch von Erdöl oder -gas aus einem Bohrloch] | |