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 | rigged {adj} {past-p} [manipulated, e.g. elections, game] | 1287 manipuliert [z. B. Wahlen, Spiel] |  |
 | inaugural {adj} [e.g. exhibition, game or match, ceremony, address] | 1037 Eröffnungs- [z. B. Ausstellung, Spiel, Feier, Ansprache] |  |
 | letter {adj} [attr.] [e.g. code, game, sequence] | 103 Buchstaben- [z. B. Code, Spiel, Folge] |  |
 | pol. psych. sociol. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. base, bloc, elite, game, struggle] | 56 Macht- [z. B. Basis, Block, Elite, Spiel, Kampf] |  |
 | poached {adj} {past-p} [stolen game] | 29 gewildert |  |
 | dance sports ball {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, game, possession, gown, night] | 27 Ball- [Beherrschung, Spiel, Besitz, Kleid, Nacht] |  |
 | lifeless {adj} [game, story] | 13 fad [österr.] [südd.] |  |
 | sb. poached [stole game] | 11 jd. wilderte |  |
 | lifeless {adj} [game, story] | 6 fade |  |
 | games standalone {adj} [computer game] | allein lauffähig [Computerspiel] |  |
Verbs |
 | sports to lose sth. [e.g. game, match] | 390 etw.Akk. vergeigen [ugs.] [z. B. Spiel, Wettkampf] |  |
 | games to pass [card game] | 345 passen [Kartenspiel] |  |
 | games to tag [touch in the game of tag] | 71 fangen [beim Fangen spielen] |  |
 | to skunk sb. [Am.] [coll.] [defeat overwhelmingly in a game or contest] | 63 jdn. fertigmachen [ugs.] [völlig besiegen] |  |
 | to open [game, chess match] | 37 eröffnen [Spiel, Schachpartie] |  |
 | hunting to scatter sth. [game] | 24 etw. zersprengen [Wild] |  |
 | hunting to dress sth. [game animal] | 20 etw.Akk. ausnehmen [Wild] |  |
 | to kibitz [at card game] | 17 kiebitzen [beim Kartenspiel] |  |
 | to dispatch sb. [game, competition] | 13 jdn. besiegen [in einem Spiel oder Wettbewerb] |  |
 | to dispatch sb./sth. [to defeat in a game, competition] | 13 jdn./etw. schlagen [in einem Spiel, Wettbewerb] |  |
 | hunting to poach [hunt wild game on land where not permitted] | 12 schwarzgehen [ugs.] [wildern] |  |
 | hunting to spring [game, e.g. partridges] | 10 aufjagen [Wild, z. B. Rebhühner] |  |
 | sports to throw sth. [match, game, fight] | 10 etw. abschenken |  |
 | games to resurrect sb. [online role playing game] | 9 jdn. rezzen [ugs.] [auch: ressen] [wiederbeleben in einem Online-Rollenspiel] |  |
 | hunting to mate [hoofed game] | 7 beschlagen [begatten beim Schalenwild] |  |
 | RadioTV [to participate in sth. as a viewer or member of an audience e.g. a game show, in order to hazard a guess at the answer of a posed question] | bei etw.Dat. mitraten |  |
 | sports [to spoil a game by overblowing the whistle or pernickety refereeing] | etw. zerpfeifen [ugs.] [z. B. ein Fußballspiel] |  |
 | sports to break sb. [win a tennis game in which the opponent is serving] | jdm. das Aufschlagspiel abnehmen [Tennis] |  |
 | hunting to gin [game] | in einer Schlinge fangen [Wild] |  |
 | to ref sth. [coll.] [to referee a match, a game] | etw.Akk. pfeifen [ein Spiel, ein Match] [ein Match als Schiedsrichter leiten] |  |
 | games to sac sth. [coll.] [sacrifice a token, a game piece] | etw.Akk. opfern [Spielfigur] |  |
 | hunting to scat [defecate] [furred game] | losen [veraltet] [koten] [Haarwild] |  |
Nouns |
 | sports draw [tied game] | 3567 Unentschieden {n} |  |
 | con [coll.] [short for: confidence trick / game] [swindle] | 417 Schwindel {m} [ugs.] [Betrug] |  |
 | forfeit [e.g. in the game of forfeits] | 292 Pfand {n} [regional auch {m}] [z. B. beim Pfänderspiel] |  |
 | sports draw [tied game] | 280 Gleichstand {m} |  |
 | games hopscotch [children's / playground game] | 133 Hüpfspiel {n} [Himmel und Hölle] |  |
 | games sports draw [tied game] | 96 Remis {n} |  |
 | sports set [part of a game, e.g. in tennis] | 91 Satz {m} [Spielabschnitt, z. B. beim Tennis] |  |
 | sports substitution [football etc.] | 56 Auswechslung {f} [out of the game] |  |
 | games dice {sg} [game] | 51 Würfelspiel {n} |  |
 | games move [in game] | 42 Zug {m} [im Spiel] |  |
 | games Risk [board game] | 41 Risiko {n} [Brettspiel] |  |
 | games scumbag [Aus.] [president] [card game] | 39 Arsch [ohne Artikel] [auch: Einer ist immer der Arsch; Arschloch] [Kartenspiel] |  |
 | hunting spoor [esp. of hoofed game] | 33 Fährte {f} |  |
 | games bum [president] [card game] | 31 Bettler {m} [meist ohne Artikel] [Kartenspiel] |  |
 | games sports tee [mark aimed at in a game] | 26 Zielpunkt {m} |  |
 | games sports darts [game] [treated as sg] | 22 Darts {n} |  |
 | hunting eyes [of game animals] | 15 Lichter {pl} [Augen des Haarwildes] |  |
 | comp. games Internet newb [coll.] [short for: newbie] [new participant, e.g. in a game or forum] | 15 Anfänger {m} [bes. bei Computerspielen] |  |