| English  | German |  |
 | buxom {adj} [full-bosomed] | 157 vollbusig |  |
 | even {adj} [having nothing due on either side or having exacted full revenge] | 152 quitt [nur prädikativ] |  |
 | rocky {adj} [full of difficulties] | 104 schwierig |  |
 | seedy {adj} [full of seeds] | 87 samenreich |  |
 | pregnant {adj} [full of meaning, highly significant] | 39 bedeutungsschwanger |  |
 | inveterate {adj} [obs.] [full of hatred] | 29 hasserfüllt |  |
 | lightsome {adj} [literary] [bright, full of light] | 16 hellicht [veraltend] |  |
 | complete {adj} [containing full details] | 15 ausführlich |  |
 | vital {adj} [full of life] | 11 lebenskräftig |  |
 | massy {adj} [full-bodied] [hair] [literary] | 9 voluminös |  |
 | reedy {adj} [full of reeds, covered with reeds] | 9 schilfbestanden |  |
 | vigorous {adj} [full of life] | 6 lebenskräftig |  |
 | [with full title (of a person)] | pleno titulo <P. T. / p. t.> [bes. österr.] [veraltet] |  |
 | adventurous {adj} [full of adventures] | abenteuerreich |  |
 | ample {adj} [euphem.] [fat, full-figured] | etwas üppig [euphem.] [übergewichtig, fett] |  |
 | busy {adj} [full of activity] | ziemlich hektisch [Zeit] |  |
 | daisied {adj} [full of daisies] | voll Gänseblümchen [nachgestellt] |  |
 | factful {adj} [full of facts] | faktenreich [voller Fakten] |  |
 | farctate {adj} [full after a meal] | satt [Sättigungsgefühl] |  |
 | full {adj} [full up] | voll belegt |  |
 | glady {adj} [full of glades] | lichtungsreich |  |
 | entom. nitty {adj} [full of nits] | nissig |  |
 | ratty {adj} [full of rats] | voller Ratten [nachgestellt] |  |
 | stony {adj} [full of stones] | voller Steine [nachgestellt] |  |
Verbs |
 | comp. Internet to unlock sth. [e.g. the full version] | 525 etw.Akk. freischalten [z. B. die Vollversion] |  |
 | to relish sth. [savour or enjoy to the full] | 448 etw. auskosten |  |
 | textil. to waulk sth. [Scot.] [full] | 10 etw. walken [Tuch] |  |
 | to fill [to become full] | sich füllen |  |
 | acc. fin. to retire sth. [pay a debt in full] | etw.Akk. tilgen [durch Zurückzahlen beseitigen] |  |
Nouns |
 | watches plate [full-, three-, quarter-] | 92 Platine {f} |  |
 | law majority [full legal age] | 69 Volljährigkeit {f} |  |
 | gastr. [mild, full-fat cheese] | 59 Butterkäse {m} |  |
 | law majority [full legal age] | 47 Mündigkeit {f} [Volljährigkeit] |  |
 | publ. plate [full-page depiction in book] | 35 Abbildung {f} [ganzseitig in Buch, bes. Holzschnitt, Kunstdruck] |  |
 | art cartoon [a full-size drawing for a painting or other work of art] | 22 Karton {m} [letzter Entwurf für Wand-, Glasmalereien, Bildteppiche in Originalgröße auf starkem Papier] |  |
 | sports wingback [modern variation on the full back] [football, soccer] | 19 Außenverteidiger {m} [Fußball] |  |
 | law majority [full legal age] | 14 Großjährigkeit {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | gastr. bacon [as part of a full breakfast] | 12 Bacon {m} |  |
 | ling. Denglish [German language full of English words and phrases] [coll.] | 7 Denglisch {n} |  |
 | hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights] | 6 Herrschaft {f} [Territorium] |  |
 | hist. [citizen without full civil rights] | Beisasse {m} |  |
 | hist. [farmer of full-sized farm who has to do socage-service for the landlord] | Anspänner {m} [veraltet] [relativ großer Bauer, der mit seinen Gespannen Frondienste leisten muss] |  |
 | oenol. [full-bodied wine, pleasantly acidic] | Herrenwein {m} |  |
 | pol. [person with full citizen's rights] | Aktivbürger {m} [bes. schweiz.] |  |
 | hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights] | Herrlichkeit {f} [Territorium] |  |
 | agr. hist. jobs farmer [owner of a full farm, up to 100 morgens] | Hufner {m} [Besitzer einer Hufe] [veraltet] |  |
 | hunting leveret [hare that has not yet attained full growth] | Dreiläufer {m} [ein dreiviertel ausgewachsener Hase] |  |
 | cloth. meringue [coll.] [fig.] [wedding dress with full skirt] | Brautkleid {n} [traditionell, mit weitem Rock] |  |
 | cloth. petticoat [full, tiered, starched or from stiff material] | Petticoat {m} |  |
 | acad. professor [full professor] | Ordinarius {m} |  |