Dictionary English German: [fulfil]

Translation 1 - 6 of 6

English German
to observe sth. [comply with sth., fulfil sth.]
etw.Akk. einhalten
to meet sth. [comply with sth., fulfil sth.]
etw.Dat. nachkommen [geh.] [etw. (einen Wunsch, eine Bitte etc.) erfüllen]
to falsify sth. [fail to fulfil (expectations, hopes, etc.)]
etw.Akk. enttäuschen [Erwartungen, Hoffnungen]
to deliver [fig.] [to fulfil promise]halten, was man versprochen hat
[woman who has been given a post just to fulfil the quota system requirements]Quotenfrau {f}
to qualify (for) [fulfil a condition]infrage kommen (für)
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