Dictionary English German: [fuel]

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
diesel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. diesel powered, fuel, mechanic]
Diesel- [z. B. Antrieb, Kraftstoff, Mechaniker]
spent {adj} {past-p} [solid fuel]
ausgebrannt [Festbrennstoff]
heating {adj} [attr.] [e.g. blanket, coil, costs, fuel, power]Heiz- [z. B. Decke, Spirale, Kosten, Material, Kraft]
aviat. to jettison [fuel]
ablassen [Treibstoff]
to leak [fuel]
verlieren [Benzin]
to fuel (sth.) [fill a tank with fuel]
(etw.Akk.) auftanken
dregs {pl} [e.g. the last dregs of fuel]
Noagerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [z. B. der letzte Rest an Benzin im Tank]
aviat. jettisoning [of fuel]
Ablassen {n} [von Treibstoff]
automot. aviat. bowser [generic term] [Bowser®] [fuel tanker]
Betankungsfahrzeug {n}
aviat. kerosine [spv.] [jet fuel]
Kerosin {n}
chem. oxidizer [substance in fuel]
Oxidator {m}
filler [e.g. fuel filler neck]
Einfüllstutzen {m}
aviat. hist. [area for the development and testing of liquid fuel rockets in Berlin 1930-1933]Raketenflugplatz {m} in Berlin
automot. [car capable of doing 100km on 3 litres of fuel]3-Liter-Auto {n}
chem. oxidizer [substance in fuel]Oxydator {m}
2 Words: Others
extra urban [esp. Br.] [vehicle fuel consumption]außerorts [Fahrzeugkraftstoffverbrauch]
2 Words: Verbs
to fill sth. up [coll.] [with fuel]etw.Akk. auftanken
to fill up (sth.) [coll.] [with fuel](etw.Akk.) auftanken
to run on sth. [e.g. engine: on unleaded fuel]mit etw.Dat. betrieben werden [z. B. Motor: mit unverbleitem Benzin]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons aerosol bomb [fuel-air explosive] <FAE>Aerosolbombe {f} [ugs.] [Vakuumbombe]
average economy [fuel]Durchschnittsverbrauch {m}
domestic fuel [fuel used for heating living spaces]Hausbrand {m} [kein pl.] [fester Brennstoff für Privathaushalte]
nucl. holding basin [for spent atomic fuel]Abklingbecken {n}
automot. M process [direct fuel injection]Mittelkugelverfahren {n} [Kraftstoffeinspritzung] [auch: M-Verfahren]
tech. oxyfuel cutting [also: oxy-fuel cutting]autogenes Brennschneiden {n}
tech. test cell [e.g. battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Testzelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
tech. test cell [e.g., battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Versuchszelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
3 Words: Nouns
(fuel) delivery hose [on a filling station fuel pump]Zapfschlauch {m}
chem. tech. biomass to liquid <BTL, BMTL> [fuel]BtL-Kraftstoff {m}
automot. dual-fuel engine [also: dual fuel engine]Zündstrahlmotor {m}
automot. dual-fuel engine [also: dual fuel engine]Zweistoffmotor {m}
fuel level sensor [fuel sender unit]Vorratsgeber {m}
chem. tech. gas to liquids <GTL> [fuel]GtL-Kraftstoff {m}
chem. hexamine fuel tablet [solid fuel in tablet form]Trockenspiritus {m} [tablettenförmiger Brennstoff]
chem. hexamine fuel tablet [solid fuel in tablet form]Esbit® / Esbit-Trockenbrennstofftablette {f} [Trockenspiritus]
4 Words: Verbs
to fill the tank (up) [with fuel]auftanken
5+ Words: Nouns
a week's worth of x [supplies, e.g. underwear, fuel]X für eine Woche [Vorräte, z. B. Unterwäsche, Treibstoff]
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