| English | German | |
| gastr. preserved {adj} {past-p} [fruit etc.] | 343 eingeweckt | |
| FoodInd. gastr. pitted {adj} {past-p} [fruit or vegetable pit(s) removed] | 95 entsteint | |
| gastr. mushy {adj} [e.g. fruit] [too soft] | 70 mürbe [z. B. Obst] [veraltend] [zu weich] | |
| rotten {adj} [fruit, egg etc., also smell] | 63 faulig | |
| putrid {adj} [e.g. fruit] | 24 angefault | |
| gastr. candied {adj} {past-p} [esp. fruit] | 18 eingemacht [bes. Orangenschalen, Ingwer] [kandiert] | |
| miniature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fruit, pinscher, rose, schnauzer, state] | 7 Zwerg- [z. B. Obst, Pinscher, Rose, Schnauzer, Staat] | |
| gastr. preserved {adj} {past-p} [fruit, vegetables] | 5 eingekocht [Obst, Gemüse] | |
| fresh {adj} [e.g. air, fruit, meat] | Frisch- [z. B. Luft, Obst, Fleisch] | |
Verbs |
| gastr. to preserve [fruit, vegetables] | 2447 einkochen [Obst, Gemüse] | |
| gastr. to core [pip fruit] | 2032 entkernen [Kernobst] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. to preserve sth. [fruit] | 382 etw. einmachen | |
| FoodInd. gastr. to preserve sth. [fruit] | 345 etw. einwecken | |
| gastr. to pit [stone-fruit] | 243 entkernen [Steinobst] | |
| to extract [juice from fruit etc.] | 76 entziehen [den Saft dem Obst etc.] | |
| to sort sth. [fruit, vegetables] | 28 etw.Akk. verlesen [auslesen, aussortieren (Früchte, Gemüse, Linsen etc.)] | |
| gastr. to slice sth. [fruit, vegetables] | 26 etw.Akk. schnetzeln [südd.] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. to bottle sth. [Br.] [fruit or vegetables] | 25 etw. einwecken | |
| gastr. to stone [stone-fruit] | 25 entkernen [Steinobst] | |
| to pick sth. [fruit, berries] | 17 etw.Akk. brocken [österr.] [südd.] [pflücken] | |
| to skin sth. [esp. of potatoes, fruit etc.] | 17 etw. pellen [bes. nordd.] | |
| to pick sth. [fruit, berries] | 13 etw.Akk. abbrocken [österr.] [südd.] [abpflücken] | |
| gastr. to destalk [fruit] | 11 entstielen [Früchte] | |
| hort. to score sth. [fruit tree] | 7 etw. schröpfen [Obstbaum] | |
| to ripen [harvest, fruit etc.] | 6 heranreifen [Ernte, Frucht usw.] | |
| gastr. to preserve sth. [fruit, vegetables] | 5 etw. einsieden [österr.] [südd. regional] [einkochen] | |
| to blet [fruit] | teigig werden | |
| to blet [fruit] | überreif werden | |
| bot. to fructify [bear fruit] | Frucht tragen | |
| bot. hort. to fruit [e.g. of a tree or bush; to produce fruit] | Früchte tragen [z. B. Baum, Strauch; Früchte hervorbringen] | |
| gastr. to mash sth. [fruit etc.] | etw.Akk. musen [zu Mus machen] | |
Nouns |
| bot. gastr. bramble [Br.] [fruit of the blackberry] | 647 Brombeere {f} [Frucht] | |
| bot. gastr. T | 616 | |
| bot. gastr. persimmon [fruit] | 568 Kakifrucht {f} | |
| bot. pit [stone of a fruit] [esp. Am.] | 338 Stein {m} [bei Steinobst] | |
| bot. gastr. skin [fruit, vegetable] | 255 Schale {f} [Obst, Gemüse] | |
| gastr. rind [of fruit] | 144 Schale {f} | |
| agr. FoodInd. windfall [fruit] | 142 Fallobst {n} | |
| bot. pit [stone of a fruit] [esp. Am.] | 105 Kern {m} [bei Steinobst] | |
| harvest [of fruit, grapes] | 99 Herbst {m} [regional] [Weinlese; Obsternte] | |
| gastr. glaze [fruit tart glaze] | 92 Tortenguss {m} [Masse] | |
| bot. gastr. persimmon [also: persimon] [fruit] | 66 Kaki {f} | |
| gastr. currant [dried fruit] | 65 Korinthe {f} | |
| gastr. zest [a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit (as an orange or lemon)] | 48 Raspel {m} [Zeste, z. B. von einer Zitrusfrucht] | |
| agr. ecol. [meadow with scattered fruit trees] | 34 Streuobstwiese {f} | |
| FoodInd. chew [e.g. fruit chew] | 30 Kaubonbon {m} {n} | |
| bot. T | 30 | |
| bearing [fruit] | 27 Tragen {n} | |
| agr. FoodInd. windfalls {pl} [fruit] | 25 Fallobst {n} | |
| gastr. pavlova [Aus.] [NZ] [soft meringue with crisp crust topped with whipped cream and fruit] | 22 Baiserkuchen {m} | |