| English  | German |  |
 | chilly {adj} [not friendly] | 372 unterkühlt |  |
 | gracious {adj} [kind, friendly] | 340 freundlich |  |
 | kind {adj} [friendly] | 326 freundlich |  |
 | genial {adj} [convivial, friendly, agreeable] | 132 gesellig [heiter, freundlich, angenehm] |  |
 | familiar {adj} [friendly] [also: overfriendly] | 82 familiär [freundschaftlich, ungezwungen] [auch: plumpvertraulich] |  |
 | charitable {adj} [friendly, kind] | 56 freundlich |  |
 | matey {adj} [esp. Br.] [sociable, friendly] | 28 vertraulich [freundschaftlich] |  |
 | ecol. green {adj} [fig.] [environmentally friendly] | 8 grün [fig.] [umweltfreundlich] |  |
 | bonhomous {adj} [friendly, cheerful] | freundlich |  |
 | expansive {adj} [friendly] | freundlich |  |
 | oversweet {adj} [insincerely friendly] | katzenfreundlich [ugs.] [pej.] [heuchlerisch freundlich] |  |
 | sinophile {adj} [Am.] [friendly to or having a strong liking for China or the Chinese] | chinafreundlich [sinophil] |  |
Verbs |
 | [to behave in an inconveniently obtrusive and overpoweringly friendly manner] | sich betun [ugs.] [selten] [sich zieren] |  |
 | to alienate sb. [make less friendly towards oneself] | sichAkk. jdm. entfremden |  |
Nouns |
 | jaw [coll. for: friendly chat] | 45 Schwätzchen {n} [ugs. für: kleine Unterhaltung, Geplauder] |  |
 | jaw [coll. for: friendly chat] | 21 Schwatz {m} [ugs. für: kleine Unterhaltung, Geplauder] |  |
 | sports [friendly relationship between supporters of different teams, esp. in soccer] | Fanfreundschaft {f} |  |
 | mil. fratricide [friendly fire] | Verlust {m} durch eigenes Feuer |  |
2 Words |
 | punter-friendly {adj} [Br.] [customer-friendly] | kundenfreundlich |  |
 | to fraternise with sb. [Br.] [associate in a friendly way] | sichAkk. mit jdm. verhabern [österr.] [anfreunden] |  |
 | to go green [become eco-friendly] | umweltfreundlich werden |  |
 | to stick with sb. [fig.] [friendly] | zu jdm. halten [freundschaftlich] |  |
 | fireside manner [informal and friendly demeanour] | freundliches und lockeres Auftreten {n} |  |
3 Words |
 | mil. blue on blue [NATO terminology: friendly fire] | Eigenbeschuss {m} [bezogen auf Truppen der NATO] |  |
 | insur. funeral insurance society [friendly society] | Sterbeverein {m} |  |
4 Words |
 | med. MedTech. close to the patient {adj} [patient-friendly] | patientennah |  |
5+ Words |
 | idiom to go out of one's way to be sth. [friendly, helpful] | sich überschlagen vor etw.Dat. [Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft] |  |