Dictionary English German: [found]

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
located {adj} {past-p} [found]
ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«]
pol. Eureka [USA] [California state motto: I have found it.]
[Motto des US-Staates Kalifornien: Heureka. / Ich habe (es) gefunden.]
penetrable {adj} [capable of being found out]ergründbar
sb. found {past-p} [found out]jd. hat herausgefunden
to occur [to be found] [e.g. disease]
vorkommen [vorhanden sein, auftreten]
to create sth. [found, establish]
etw. begründen [gründen, etablieren]
to father sth. [fig.] [create, found]etw.Akk. ins Leben rufen [Redewendung] [Projekt, Firma etc.: gründen oder neu schaffen]
gastr. [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
Leberkäse {m}
squaw [often found offensive]
Indianerfrau {f}
archaeo. provenance [place where sth. was found]
Fundort {m}
jobs wright [archaic] [craftsman] [usually found in compound nouns, such as: wheelwright, shipwright]
Handwerker {m}
ethn. squaw [often found offensive]
Indianerin {f}
archaeo. [body (found) preserved in marshland]Moorleiche {f}
fin. [cooperative bank, to be found in several European countries]Raiffeisenbank {f}
pol. [nickname for the German SPD politician Olaf Scholz, coined while he was secretary general (2002-2004) when he was found to repeat (like an automat) statements of other party leaders]Scholzomat {m} [auch: Scholz-O-Mat, Scholz-o-mat, Scholz-o-Mat, Scholz-O-mat] [Spitzname für Olaf Scholz]
med. [type of pneumoconiosis found in fluorspar miners' lungs]Flussspatlunge {f}
biochem. pharm. abrin [toxalbumin found in the seeds of the rosary pea]Abrin {n} [Toxin der Paternostererbse]
archi. constr. chaumière [thatched house often found in Normandy, France]Chaumière {f} [Frankreich]
VetMed. zool. hamstring [in quadrupeds: the single large tendon found behind the knee or comparable area]langer Sitzbeinmuskel {m} [z. B. beim Pferd]
archaeo. nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia]Nuraghe {f}
squaw [often found offensive]Squaw {f}
squaws [often found offensive]Indianerinnen {pl}
squaws [often found offensive]Squaws {pl}
bot. urushiol [organic allergen found in plants, e.g. poison ivy]Urushiol {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to be heard [idiom] [to have found someone willing to listen]Gehör finden [Redewendung] [gehört werden]
to come under [be to be found under]sich finden unter
to set up [constitute, found]konstituieren
2 Words: Nouns
EU Certified Europe <CE> [interpretation of the European Community conformity marking "CE" (Communauté Européenne), not to be found in official sources][Deutung des EU-Konformitätszeichens "CE" (Communauté Européenne), in offiziellen Quellen nicht angegeben]
games coconut shy [game, found esp. at funfairs][Wurfspiel auf Kokosnüsse, ähnlich der Jahrmarktsattraktion 'Dosenwerfen']
med. gonadal streak [as found in Turner's syndrome]Streakgonade {f}
mineral. mining inert dust [includes all dusts found in mines]Gesteinsstaub {m}
astron. material metal abundance [amount found or detected; frequency]Metallhäufigkeit {f} [relative Häufigkeit]
art law lit. orphan work [work whose copyright owner is difficult to trace or cannot be found]verwaistes Werk {n}
biotech. S-layer [part of the cell envelope commonly found in bacteria]S-Layer {m} {n} [Hüllproteine]
mineral. mining stone dust [includes all dusts found in mines]Gesteinsstaub {m}
jobs waste picker [collector of recyclable material found in dumps etc.]Abfallsammler {m} [Sammler von Wertstoffen im Müll]
young squaw [often found offensive]Indianermädchen {n}
3 Words: Others
At its heart, ... {adv} [idiom] [usually found at the beginning of a sentence]Im Kern ...
The devil knows ... [coll.] [idiom] [also found in mid-sentence] [heaven knows]Weiß der Teufel ... [ugs.] [Redewendung] [auch mitten im Satz]
3 Words: Nouns
lost and found [also: lost-and-found] [Am.] [office]Fundbüro {n}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
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