| English | German | |
| to issue sth. [put forth, publish, esp. officially] | 5306 etw.Akk. erstellen [anfertigen] | |
| to rock (sb./sth.) [swing back and forth] | 1103 (jdn./etw.) schaukeln | |
| to issue [come forth, emerge] | 434 herauskommen | |
| to show sth. [set forth, expound] | 432 etw.Akk. darlegen | |
| law to represent sth. [set forth, state, declare] | 381 etw. angeben [erklären] | |
| to produce sth. [call forth, bring on] | 341 etw. hervorrufen | |
| to issue [break forth, burst forth] | 251 hervorbrechen | |
| to shed sth. [impart, send forth. e.g. light, fragrance] | 59 etw. verbreiten [Licht, Duft etc.] | |
| to state sth. [set forth] | 26 etw.Akk. dartun [geh.] [veraltet] [erläutern, erklären] | |
| to send sb./sth. [send forth, send out] | 7 jdn./etw. aussenden | |
| to outfling [archaic] [to break forth] | hervorbrechen | |
Nouns |
| geogr. hist. Albany [also Albania] [cf. Scot. Gaelic: Alba] [territorial term representing the parts of Scotland north of the River Forth] | Alban {n} [histor. Bezeichnung für den nördlichen Teil Schottlands] | |
2 Words |
| to burst out [gush forth] | sich ergießen | |
| to strike out [set forth] | losziehen | |
| MedTech. reciprocating grid [moves back and forth during exposure] | bewegtes Raster {n} | |