| English  | German |  |
 | serial {adj} [forming a series] | 75 aufeinanderfolgend |  |
 | angular {adj} [forming an angle] | 63 schräg [im schrägen Winkel zu etw.] |  |
 | med. absceding {adj} {pres-p} [dated] [abscess-forming] | 31 abszedierend |  |
 | blistering {adj} [causing or forming blisters] | 13 blasenschlagend [auch: Blasen schlagend] |  |
 | twin {adj} [attr.] [forming a pair] | 12 Doppel- |  |
 | rectilinear {adj} [moving in or forming a straight line] | 11 gradlinig |  |
 | consolidated {adj} {past-p} [forming a solid mass] [e.g. soil] | 10 verfestigt [z. B. Boden] |  |
 | basic {adj} [forming the basis of sth.] | 5 zugrundeliegend [als Grundlage dienend, die Grundlage bildend] |  |
 | gastr. [forming fine cracks in the crust of fresh loaf] {adj} {pres-p} | fensternd [Kruste von frischem Brot bzw. frischen Brötchen] |  |
 | basic {adj} [forming the basis of sth.] | zugrunde liegend [als Grundlage dienend, die Grundlage bildend] |  |
 | biol. entom. cecidogenous {adj} [gall-forming] | gallenbildend |  |
 | med. medial {adj} [situated in or forming the middle] | medial [in der Mitte liegend od. bildend] |  |
 | serial {adj} [forming a series] | aufeinander folgend |  |
Verbs |
 | bot. to tiller [esp. grass or cereal: forming side shoots] | sich bestocken [Gräser, Getreide: Seitentriebe ausbilden] |  |
Nouns |
 | mus. brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players] | 127 Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente] |  |
 | formation [act of forming] | 11 Formung {f} |  |
 | math. envelope [curve forming tangent] | 10 Enveloppe {f} [Einhüllende] |  |
 | admin. med. [hospital forming part of the German Hospital Plan] | 6 Plankrankenhaus {n} |  |
 | gastr. [forming fine cracks in the crust of fresh loaf] | Fenstern {n} der Kruste [Qualitätsmerkmal bei frischgebackenen Brötchen bzw. frischgebackenem Brot] |  |
 | geogr. geol. karst [forming sinkholes] | Dolinenkarst {m} |  |
 | anat. audio VetMed. utriculus [the larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear] | Utriculus {m} [das große Vorhofsäckchen] [Teil des Vestibularorgans] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name] | (Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt] |  |
 | chem. geol. brine formation [forming of brine] | Solebildung {f} |  |
 | geol. clay formation [geologic forming of clay] | Tonbildung {f} |  |
 | pol. majority party [political party forming the majority in a parliament] | Mehrheitsfraktion {f} [Partei, die in einem Parlament die Mehrheit bildet] |  |
 | geol. sinter formation [forming of sinter] | Sinterbildung {f} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | journ. publ. newspaper of record [reputable, opinion-forming newspaper] | Leitmedium {n} [meinungsbildende Zeitung] |  |
 | journ. newspaper of record [reputable, opinion-forming newspaper] | meinungsbildende Zeitung {f} |  |
 | journ. paper of record [reputable, opinion-forming newspaper] | Leitmedium {n} [meinungsbildende Zeitung] |  |
 | tech. shot peen forming <SPF> [also: shot-peen forming, shotpeen forming] | Umformstrahlen {n} [Kugelstrahlen] |  |
 | mil. weapons stack (of rifles) [group of rifles forming a cone] | Gewehrpyramide {f} [an der Mündung zusammengestellte Gewehre] |  |
 | pol. traffic-light parties {pl} [summary term for social democratic, liberal and green parties (such as the German SPD, FDP and Greens) forming a coalition] | Ampel {f} [ugs.] [Ampelparteien] |  |