| English | German | |
| past {adj} [attr.] [belonging to a former time, former] | 291 früher [attr.] [der Vergangenheit angehörend, z. B. Generationen, Zeiten] | |
| onetime {adj} [attr.] [former] | 59 ehemalig [attr.] <ehem.> | |
| onetime {adj} [attr.] [former] | 35 einstig [attr.] | |
| sometime {adj} [attr.] [former] | 30 ehemalig [attr.] <ehem.> | |
| mil. GI {adj} [attr.] [relating to, or characteristic of United States military personnel, a (former) member of the United States armed forces etc.] | 9 GI- [ugs.] [z. B. GI-Haarschnitt, GI-Kneipe] | |
| ex- {prefix} [former] [e.g. husband, mayor] | Ex- [z. B. Mann, Bürgermeister] | |
| restored {adj} {past-p} [to former owner] | restituiert | |
| sometime {adj} [former] | einstig | |
| sometime {adj} [former] | einstmalig [selten] | |
| sometime {adj} [former] | vormalig [ehemalig] | |
Verbs |
| to restore [to its former condition] | in den alten Zustand versetzen | |
| law to revest sth. [esp. to former owner] | etw.Akk. zurückgeben [bes. dem früheren Besitzer] | |
Nouns |
| lag [coll.] [(former) convict] | 25 Sträfling {m} | |
| gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s] | 23 Gastarbeiter {m} | |
| ex [coll.] [former wife, girlfriend, or other partner in a relationship] | 19 Verflossene {f} [ugs.] [frühere Ehefrau, Freundin, Lebensgefährtin] | |
| hist. pol. [ceremony in which teenagers are given adult social status, esp. in the former GDR] | 18 Jugendweihe {f} | |
| [voluntary support for a former employee in old age] | 16 Gnadenbrot {n} | |
| curr. pfennig <pf.> [former German currency] | 16 Pfennig {m} <Pf.> | |
| ex [coll.] [former husband, boyfriend, or other partner in a relationship] | 10 Verflossener {m} [ugs.] [früherer Ehemann, Freund, Lebensgefährte] | |
| motherland [of the inhabitants of a colony or former colony] | 9 Mutterland {n} [einer Kolonie oder ehemaligen Kolonie] | |
| admin. oblast [administrative area in Russia and the former Soviet Union] | 9 Oblast {f} [auch {m}] | |
| curr. punt [Irish pound; former Irish currency] | 8 Punt {n} [ehem. irische Währung] | |
| curr. lira [former Italian currency] | 7 Lira {f} [ehem. italienische Währung] | |
| hist. pol. KGB [Committee for State Security; former Soviet secret service] | 6 KGB {n} {m} [Komitee für Staatssicherheit beim Ministerrat der UdSSR; ehem. sowjetischer Geheimdienst] | |
| [Austrian or former German honorary title awarded to a deserving agriculturist] | Ökonomierat {m} [Österr. Titel für einen verdienten Landwirt; bis 1918 auch in Deutschland] | |
| hist. jobs [captain of a ship in the former Hamburg America Line] | Hapag-Kapitän {m} | |
| textil. unit [former Austrian yarn measure; one Wiedel is 240 threads] | Wiedel {n} [auch Wiel; in Wien: Windel] [ehemaliges österreichisches Garnmaß] | |
| dance [former East German dance, GDR's answer to rock 'n' roll] | Lipsi {m} | |
| [former participant of the German student movement / 68er-Bewegung] | Altachtundsechziger {m} <Alt-68er> [ehemaliger Achtundsechziger] | |
| [German, Austrian and former Italian title, roughly translatable as 'Medical Consultant'] | Sanitätsrat {m} | |
| hist. [illegal mint in former times, esp. during the Middle Ages] | Heckenmünze {f} [nicht legale Münzstätte, bes. im Mittelalter] | |
| [in former times the day of conclusion of the marriage contract between the parents of the bride and the groom, and thus engagement day] | Heiratstag {m} [früher der Tag der Verhandlung über den Ehevertrag zwischen den Eltern der Braut und des Bräutigams und gleichzeitig der Verlobungstag] | |
| weapons [NPA of the former GDR, man-portable soviet-built recoilless antitank rocket launcher] | Panzerbüchse {f} <RPG> | |
| pol. [pej., functionary of the former GDR's Socialist Unity Party] | rote Socke {f} [Politikjargon] [pej.] [ehemaliger SED-Funktionär] | |
| [pejorative term for a person originating from one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia] | Jugo {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| [pension as a proportion of former salary] | Versorgungssatz {m} | |
| quote [pensioner democracy, political slogan (2008) by Roman Herzog, former president of Germany] | Rentnerdemokratie {f} [Roman Herzog] | |
| comm. hist. [permitted production of goods for western countries in the former DDR] | Gestattungsproduktion {f} | |
| hist. [secluded area in which the Russian occupants lived and worked in the former GDR] | Russenstädtchen {n} [ugs.] [in der ehemal. DDR] | |
| [stereotype of a person from former East Germany, characterized as sb. who complains about everything] | Jammerossi {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [jammernder Ostdeutscher] | |
| admin. tech. [technical standards in the former GDR, 1955-1990] | Technische Normen, Gütevorschriften und Lieferbedingungen <TGL> [DDR] | |
| geogr. pol. [territory of the former GDR as part of reunited Germany] | Beitrittsgebiet {n} [Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR seit der Wiedervereinigung] | |
| [tongue-in-cheek term for Christmas used in the former GDR] | Jahresendzeitfest {n} [DDR-Sprachgebrauch] [hum.] [Weihnachten] | |
| [tongue-in-cheek term for Santa Claus in the former GDR] | Jahresendzeitmann {m} [hum.] [DDR-Sprachgebrauch] | |
| urban [urban development on the outskirts of Tempelhofer Feld (location of the former Tempelhof Airport, Berlin)] | Randbebauung {f} des Tempelhofer Feldes | |
| geogr. Alexandretta [former name of Iskenderun, a city in southern Turkey] | Alexandrette {n} [auch: Alexandretta] | |
| alumna [former pupil] | ehemalige Schülerin {f} | |
| educ. alumnus [male former pupil of a particular school] | ehemaliger Schüler {m} | |
| educ. alumnus [male former student of a particular college or university] | ehemaliger Student {m} | |
| mus. Badnerlied [unofficial hymn of the former state of Baden] | Badnerlied {n} [badische Regionalhymne] | |