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| |
| till {prep} {conj} [less formal for: until] | 4036 bis | |
| manifold {adj} [formal or literary] | 1766 vielfältig | |
| egregious {adj} [formal] | 1727 ungeheuer [außerordentlich schlecht] | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <decd., dec.> [formal] | 1721 verstorben <verst.> [geh.] | |
| egregious {adj} [formal] | 1586 ungeheuerlich | |
| concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated with] | 1488 begleitend [attr.] [damit einhergehend] | |
| you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal] | 1430 Sie [formelle Anrede] | |
| whence {adv} [formal] | 1369 woher | |
| duplicitous {adj} [formal] | 848 heuchlerisch [pej.] | |
| egregious {adj} [formal] | 788 unerhört [ungeheuerlich] | |
| egregious {adj} [formal] | 735 entsetzlich [ugs.] [empörend] | |
| unbecoming {adj} [formal] [inappropriate] [conduct] | 728 ungebührlich [geh.] | |
| hereinafter {adv} [formal] | 644 nachstehend | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] | 617 darauf [daraufhin, danach] | |
| whence {adv} [formal] [from which, which source, reason] | 614 woraus | |
| atoning {adj} {pres-p} [formal] | 570 sühnend | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <decd., dec.> [formal] | 551 verblichen [geh.] [veraltet] [verstorben] | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <decd., dec.> [formal] | 542 verschieden [geh.] [verstorben] | |
| thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 528 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] | |
| lest {conj} [formal] [example: I was frightened lest he should fall.] | 486 dass | |
| your {pron} [formal sg. and pl.] [your house, dog, support, etc.] | 448 Ihr [Possessivpron.] | |
| absent {prep} [Am.] [formal] | 392 ohne [+Akk.] | |
| vaunted {adj} {past-p} [formal] | 380 gerühmt | |
| absent {prep} [Am.] [formal] | 370 mangels [+Gen.] [bes. Amtsspr.] | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] [immediately after (and as a result of) that] | 204 daraufhin [direkt danach und infolgedessen] | |
| save {conj} [formal or literary] [except] | 192 ausgenommen | |
| thus {adv} [literary or formal] [therefore] | 181 mithin [geh.] [folglich, deshalb] | |
| whereof {adv} [formal] | 166 wovon | |
| quondam {adj} [attr.] [formal] | 141 ehemalig [attr.] <ehem.> | |
| manifold {adj} [formal or literary] | 135 mannigfaltig [geh.] | |
| alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | 132 akzeptabel | |
| unbecoming {adj} [formal] [inappropriate] [conduct] | 131 unziemlich [geh.] | |
| yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [formal] | 123 sich | |
| peccable {adj} [formal] [liable or prone to sin] | 121 sündhaft [geh.] | |
| pray [formal or archaic] [please] | 117 bitte [als Aufforderung] | |
| therefrom {adv} [formal] | 111 davon | |
| save {prep} {conj} [old use or formal: except] | 109 außer [+Dat.] [es sei denn] | |
| indecorous {adj} [formal] | 108 unpassend [unziemlich] | |
| jejune {adj} [formal] [intellectually unsatisfying] | 92 unzulänglich [geh.] [Erklärung, Begründung, Leistung] | |
| law forasmuch {conj} [archaic or formal] | 90 insofern | |
| law efficacious {adj} [formal] | 88 wirkungsvoll | |
| veridical {adj} [formal] | 88 wahrhaftig | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] | 79 alsdann [geh.] [sodann, danach] | |
| commodious {adj} [formal] [spacious, large and roomy] | 75 geräumig [Räumlichkeiten, Gebäude] | |
| unseemly {adj} {adv} [dated or formal] | 67 ungebührlich [geh.] | |
| heretofore {adv} [formal] | 62 vordem [geh.] | |
| unbecoming {adj} [formal] [unflattering] [dress] | 62 unkleidsam | |
| deceased {adj} {past-p} <decd., dec.> [formal] | 61 gestorben <gest.> | |
| manifold {adj} [formal or literary] | 58 vielfach [vielfältig] | |
| sapphic {adj} [formal or hum.] | 51 lesbisch | |