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|  |
 | little {adj} {adv} {noun} | 1179 wenig [selten in dieser Form substantivisch] |  |
 | prime {adj} [German inflected; no lexical form] | 323 erster [gebeugt; keine lexikalische Form] |  |
 | lit. publ. novel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cycle, form, reader, series, writer] | 68 Roman- [z. B. Zyklus, Form, Leser, Reihe, Schriftsteller] |  |
 | dwarf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. form, galaxy, male, planet, rabbit, shrub] | 66 Zwerg- [z. B. Form, Galaxie, Männchen, Planet, Kaninchen, Strauch] |  |
 | games owned {adj} [sl.] [short form: ownd or ownz] | 55 besiegt |  |
 | games owned {adj} [sl.] [short form: ownd or onwz] | 39 dominiert |  |
 | games owned {adj} [sl.] [short form: ownd or ownz] | 37 erwischt |  |
 | completed {adj} {past-p} [form, questionnaire] | 34 ausgefüllt [Formular etc.] |  |
 | mus. concertante {adj} [in concerto form] | 26 konzertant |  |
 | games Internet powned {adj} {past-p} [sl.] [short form: pwned or pwnz] | 26 erwischt |  |
 | claggy {adj} [Br.] [sl.] [tending to form clots] | 21 klumpig [verklumpt] |  |
 | blank {adj} [not filled in (form), also fig. (life)] | 20 unausgefüllt [Formular etc., auch fig. (Leben)] |  |
 | tech. casting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. burr, compound, defect or flaw, flask, mould, technique] | 14 Guss- [z. B. Naht, Masse, Fehler, Muffel, Form, Technik] |  |
 | epistolary {adj} [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel] | 13 Brief- [z. B. Form, Wechsel, Stil, Roman] |  |
 | comm. order {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, code, form, list, quantity] | 13 Bestell- [z. B. Adresse, Code, Formular, Liste, Menge] |  |
 | games Internet powned {adj} {past-p} [sl.] [short form: pwned or pwnz] | 11 dominiert |  |
 | constr. scalloped {adj} [tiles, etc.] | 9 geschuppt [Verlegeart, z. B. von Ziegeln; Form, z. B. von Fliesen] |  |
 | underaged {adj} [a variant form of underage] | 8 minderjährig |  |
 | travelling {adj} {pres-p} [form of life] | 7 fahrend |  |
 | laborous {adj} [obs. form of laborious] | 5 mühselig |  |
 | games owned {adj} [sl.] [short form: ownd or ownz] | 5 gefragged [ugs.] [gepunktet] |  |
 | games Internet powned {past-p} [sl.] [short form: pwned or pwnz] | 5 fragged [ugs.] [gepunktet] |  |
 | unformed {adj} [without a definite form or shape] | 5 ungeformt |  |
 | bastard {adj} [attr.] [differing from the norm in size, shape, etc.] | abnorm [sich in Größe, Form usw. von der Norm unterscheidend] |  |
 | diagraming {adj} {pres-p} [Am.] [representing sth. in graphic form] | schematisierend [z. B. Verbindungen in einer Darstellung / einem Schaltbild] |  |
 | formally {adv} [with respect to form] | der Form nach |  |
 | labourous {adj} [Br.] [obs. form of labourious] | mühselig |  |
 | nautiliform {adj} [having the form of a nautilus shell] | in Form einer / der Nautilusmuschel [nachgestellt] |  |
 | peeved {adj} [coll.] | muksch [ugs.] [bes. nordd.] [verärgert] [inoffizielle Form für: mucksch] |  |
 | games Internet powned {adj} {past-p} [sl.] [short form: pwned or pwnz] | gefragged [ugs.] [gepunktet] |  |
 | sb. beareth sth. [archaic] [third-person singular simple present indicative form of bear] | jd. übt etw.Akk. aus. |  |
 | sb. respells | jd. schreibt wieder [in anderer Form] |  |
 | travelling {adj} [form of life] | vazierend [altertümlich] |  |
 | two | zween [veraltet] [mittelhochd.] [männliche Form für zwei] |  |
 | two | zwo [veraltet] [mittelhochd.] [weibliche Form für zwei] |  |
 | unformed {adj} [shapeless, not definitely shaped] | formlos [keine bestimmte Form erkennen lassend] |  |
 | unshaped {adj} [imperfect in form] | unförmig |  |
 | biol. vacuolate {adj} | vakuolär [in Form von bzw. mit Vakuolenbildung] |  |
Verbs |
 | to mould [esp. Br.] [shape, form] | 863 gestalten [formen] |  |
 | to construct sth. [make or form] | 580 etw.Akk. bauen |  |
 | to construct sth. [make or form] | 457 etw.Akk. erstellen [bauen] |  |
 | to deposit sth. [gradually form a layer] | 354 etw.Akk. ausscheiden [als Niederschlag auf etw.] |  |
 | to observe sth. [the proprieties, the rules of convention, etc.] | 346 etw.Akk. wahren [den Anstand, die Form etc.] |  |
 | to shape sth. | 291 etw.Akk. bilden [formen, Form geben] |  |
 | to skirt sth. [form a border around] | 284 etw.Akk. umranden |  |
 | to complete sth. [a form or questionnaire] | 242 etw. ausfüllen [ein Formular oder Fragebogen] |  |
 | to construct sth. [make or form] | 196 etw.Akk. aufbauen |  |
 | to mate [form a pair, set] | 182 zusammengehören |  |
 | to scheme [form intrigues] | 170 intrigieren |  |
 | to trim sth. | 117 etw.Akk. stutzen [kürzen, in Form bringen] |  |