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|  |
 | by {prep} [e.g. by train, by air; by force] | 400 mit [+Dat.] [z. B. mit dem Zug, mit dem Flugzeug; mit Gewalt] |  |
 | brute {adj} [force etc.] | 214 brachial |  |
 | malevolent {adj} [power, force] | 38 böse [bösartig] |  |
 | reversing {adj} {pres-p} [force, movement] | 6 rücktreibend [Kraft, Bewegung] |  |
 | antigrave {adj} [subjected to a force opposed to gravity] | antigrav [Heinrich von Kleist] [veraltet] |  |
 | mechanically {adv} [by force of habit] | aus Gewohnheit |  |
 | material yieldable {adj} [yielding to force, pressure, etc.] [e.g. metal] | nachgebend [einem Druck nicht standhaltend] |  |
 | material yieldable {adj} [yielding to force, pressure, etc.] [e.g. metal] | nachgiebig [einem Druck nachgebend] [z. B. Metall] |  |
Verbs |
 | to hurl sth. [throw with great force] | 2956 etw. schleudern [mit kräftigem Schwung werfen] |  |
 | to subsist [remain in force, effect] | 1094 bestehen [fortbestehen] |  |
 | to subsist [remain in force, effect] | 892 fortbestehen |  |
 | to break sth. [force open] | 572 etw.Akk. aufbrechen [mit Gewalt öffnen] |  |
 | to bounce sb. [expel by force] [coll.] | 539 jdn. abweisen |  |
 | to hold [remain valid, be in force] | 483 gelten [in Kraft sein] |  |
 | to attain sth. [by force] | 395 etw. erbeuten |  |
 | to pressure [to force] | 383 zwingen |  |
 | to press [force] | 371 zwingen |  |
 | to accelerate sth. [force sth.] | 282 etw. forcieren |  |
 | to overbear sb./sth. [with weight or force] | 141 jdn./etw. überwältigen [physisch] |  |
 | to concuss [force] | 103 zwingen |  |
 | jobs to bounce sb. [sl.] [force to leave a job] | 91 jdn. entlassen |  |
 | to launch [throw with force] | 90 schleudern |  |
 | to scatter sb./sth. [people, animals by force] | 90 jdn./etw. auseinanderjagen |  |
 | to steamroller sb./sth. [fig.] [overwhelm with force] | 7 jdn./etw. niederwalzen [fig.] |  |
 | to capture sth. [take sth. into one's possession or control by force] | etw.Akk. an sichAkk. reißen |  |
 | to neutralise sth. [Br.] [the force of an argument] | etw.Dat. die Spitze nehmen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to neutralize sth. [the force of an argument] | etw.Dat. die Spitze nehmen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to open sth. [force apart] | etw.Akk. auseinander spreizen [alt] [öffnen] |  |
 | to ramrod sth. [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [force acceptance] | etw. knallhart durchsetzen [ugs.] [erzwingen] |  |
 | hunting to tree sth. [force up a tree] | etw. den Baum hinauftreiben |  |
Nouns |
 | fate [force determining life's course; or: the course itself] | 5693 Schicksal {n} |  |
 | virtue [archaic] [effective force or power] | 1474 Wirkung {f} |  |
 | strain [force, pressure, also mentally] | 515 Druck {m} [auch im Sinn von Stress] |  |
 | tech. drag [retarding force] | 430 Widerstand {m} [mechanisch] |  |
 | forte [strong point] | 358 Stärke {f} [starke Seite, Force] |  |
 | impetus [driving force] | 334 Triebkraft {f} |  |
 | juggernaut [Br.] [fig.] [overwhelming force] | 305 Moloch {m} [geh.] [fig.] |  |
 | power [force, impact] | 60 Stärke {f} [Schlag, Explosion etc.] |  |
 | impetus [momentum, force] | 56 Wucht {f} |  |
 | phys. gravity [force of gravity] | 51 Gravitation {f} |  |
 | labor {sg} [Am.: labor force] | 49 Arbeitskräfte {pl} |  |
 | agr. gavage [force-feeding] | 27 Stopfen {n} [Zwangsmästung] |  |
 | mil. relief [military assistance to an endangered post or force] | 26 Entsatz {m} |  |
 | aviat. mil. pathfinder [Air Force night attack] | 18 Zielbeleuchter {m} |  |
 | phys. unit pound <lb> [short for: pound-force] | 17 [anglo-amerikanische Maßeinheit für Kräfte; ca. 4,448 N] |  |
 | phys. [centripetal force] | Zentripedalkraft {f} [FALSCH für: Zentripetalkraft] |  |
 | mil. spearhead [tactical force] | 13 Vorausabteilung {f} |  |
 | aviat. hist. mil. [German air force term for a combat flight (sortie) in the World Wars] | 12 Feindflug {m} [1. und 2. WK, Bezeichnung in den dt. Luftstreitkräften / der Luftwaffe für einen Einsatzflug] |  |
 | econ. jobs manpower {sg} [labor force] | 12 Erwerbspersonen {pl} |  |
 | agr. gavage [force-feeding] | 11 Nudeln {n} [Zwangsmästung] |  |