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| till {prep} {conj} [less formal for: until] | 4037 bis | |
| hence {adv} [for this reason] | 3428 deshalb | |
| for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company] | 3152 bei [z. B. bei einem Unternehmen arbeiten] | |
| irrespective {prep} [coll.] [short for: irrespective of sth.] | 1594 ungeachtet [+Gen.] [geh.] | |
| temporary {adj} [for a limited time] | 1424 befristet | |
| miniscule {adj} [disputed spv. for: minuscule] [insignificant] | 1375 unbedeutend | |
| appropriate {adj} [for an occasion] | 1268 zweckmäßig | |
| miniscule {adj} [disputed spv. for: minuscule] | 1219 winzig | |
| inquisitive {adj} [for knowledge] | 868 wissbegierig | |
| noted {adj} [for sth.] | 792 bekannt [für, wegen etw.] | |
| yummy {adj} [coll.] [childish for highly appealing] | 731 prima [ugs.] [indekl.] | |
| fallow {adj} [fig. for: inactive] | 721 unproduktiv | |
| liable {adj} [for] | 692 haftend [für] | |
| thou [coll.] [short for: thousand] | 691 tausend | |
| voluntary {adj} [unpaid, for charitable purposes] | 665 ehrenamtlich | |
| mil. drafted {past-p} [for military service] | 628 eingezogen [zum Wehrdienst] | |
| Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] | 625 Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß] [Gott behüte dich!] | |
| unfit {adj} [e.g. for military service] | 575 untauglich [z. B. für Wehrdienst] | |
| fallow {adj} [also fig. for: unused] | 566 brachliegend [auch fig. für: ungenutzt] | |
| spare {adj} [for use when needed] | 517 Extra- | |
| accomodation [WRONG for: accommodation] | [Unterkunft, Unterbringung, Gefälligkeit usw.] | |
| Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] | 434 Mist! [ugs.] | |
| understandably {adv} [for reasons that are easy to understand or sympathise with] | 431 verständlicherweise | |
| incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.] | 428 integriert | |
| specifity [WRONG for: specificity] | [Spezifität] | |
| primed {adj} {past-p} [for sth.] [person, surface, bomb] | 382 präpariert [für etw.] | |
| adventurous {adj} [eager for action, enthusiastic] | 307 einsatzfreudig | |
| Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] | 258 Verflixt! [ugs.] | |
| spare {adj} [for use when needed] | 234 zusätzlich | |
| uxorious {adj} [rare] [husband: having or showing a great fondness for his wife] | 228 treuliebend [Ehemann] | |
| spec. groid {adj} [sl., short for: negroid] [considered pej.] | 227 schwarz [oft pej.] [dunkelhäutig] | |
| Shoot! [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'shit'] | 226 Mensch! [ugs.] | |
| gastr. lingonberry {adj} [attr. adj. for food products containing lingonberries] | 222 Preiselbeer- [attr. Präfix für Nahrungsprodukte aus Preiselbeeren] | |
| per {prep} [for each; for every] | 210 je [pro, per] | |
| solicitous {adj} [about / for] | 209 bekümmert [um] | |
| temporary {adj} [for a short time] | 204 kurzzeitig | |
| offset {adj} {past-p} [compensated for] | 202 aufgewogen | |
| coed {adj} [esp. Am.] [short for: coeducational] | 187 gemischtgeschlechtlich | |
| appropriate {adj} [for a situation] | 182 situationsgerecht | |
| ruddy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [euphemism for 'bloody'] [dated] | 175 verflixt [ugs.] | |
| wood {adj} [attr.] [wooden; also: for working with wood, e.g. wood saw] | 173 Holz- | |
| damned {adj} [coll.] [used for emphasis, esp. to express anger or frustration] | 166 verdammt [ugs.] | |
| appropriate {adj} [for a purpose] | 159 zweckentsprechend | |
| eligible {adj} [suitable or desirable for marriage] | 157 heiratswürdig | |
| jelly {adj} [sl.] [short for jealous] | 153 neidisch | |
| prompt {adj} [punctual, on time, e.g. "Be prompt for your appointment."] | 144 pünktlich [z. B. "Sei pünktlich!"] | |
| gastr. sauteed {adj} {past-p} [wrong for stewed] | 144 gedünstet | |
| destined {adj} {past-p} [meant for] | 142 zugedacht [geh.] | |
| redacted {adj} {past-p} [euphemism for: censored] | 130 redigiert [Euphemismus für: zensiert] | |
| Cave! [Br.] [school sl., dated for: Look out!] | 129 Aufgepasst! | |