Dictionary English German: [following]

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance]
nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge]
coherent {adj} [logically following]
RadioTV next {adv} [following immediately]
gleich [unmittellbar folgend]
sports [suspended following a red card] {adj}
sequacious {adj} [logically following]
[following, esp. pages] {adj} fortfolgende [FALSCH für folgende bzw. ff.]
admin. econ. [spending rush among company departments or administrative bodies at the end of the year to avoid budget cuts in the following year(s)]
Dezemberfieber {n} [ugs.] [hum.]
med. [suspected cases of adverse events following immunisation] [Br.]Verdachtsfälle {pl} von Impfkomplikationen
tracing [tracking down by following a trail]Spurensuche {f}
2 Words
et sequens <et seq.> [and the following one]und der / die / das Folgende <f.>
et sequentes <et seqq.> [and the following ones]und die Folgenden <ff.>
next to {prep} [following in order or importance]nächst [+Dat.] [geh.] [(dem Rang, der Ordnung, dem Wert nach) unmittelbar nach; neben]
jobs to keep sb. on [employees following an acquisition]jdn. übernehmen [Arbeitskräfte nach Firmenübernahme]
relig. Bright Saturday [Saturday following the Christian festival of Easter]Ostersamstag {m} [Samstag nach Ostern]
relig. Easter Saturday [Saturday following the Christian festival of Easter]Ostersamstag {m} [Samstag nach Ostern]
geogr. New Market [Dresden] [often as a gloss following Neumarkt]Neumarkt {m} [Dresden]
med. secondary survey [a head-to-toe examination of the trauma patient, following the ABCDE survey]Zweituntersuchung {f} [Kopf-bis-Fuß-Untersuchung nach der initialen Beurteilung (Primary Survey)]
3 Words
gastr. easy to cook {adj} [postpos.] [following a recipe](leicht) nachkochbar
the next time {adv} [following occasion]das Mal darauf
jobs to continue to employ sb. [employees following an acquisition]jdn. übernehmen [Arbeitskräfte nach Firmenübernahme]
to keep up with sb./sth. [stay close while following]mit jdm./etw. mitkommen [Schritt halten] [ugs.]
4 Words
in the style of {prep} [following sb.'s style loosely]in Anlehnung an [in der Art, im Stil]
in the coming year [the following year, next year]im kommenden Jahr {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F All things according to God's will [also: Everything following God's will alone]Alles nur nach Gottes Willen [J. S. Bach, BWV 72]
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