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| heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. absorption, balance, conductor, flow] | 171 Wärme- [z. B. Aufnahme, Haushalt, Leiter, Fluss] | |
| uninterruptedly {adv} [e.g. flow] | kontinuierlich | |
Verbs |
| to run [flow] | 364 fließen | |
| hydro. to run [flow, stream] | 333 strömen | |
| to gutter [flow] | 113 rinnen [durch Abfluss] | |
| to gutter [flow, flush] | 62 strömen [durch Abfluss] | |
| hydro. to staunch sth. [the flow] | 50 etw. stauen | |
| to run [flow] | 44 zerfließen | |
| to overbrim [flow over the brim] | überfließen | |
| to overbrim [flow over the brim] | überquellen | |
Nouns |
| current [flow or movement] | 3540 Fluss {m} [Strömung oder Bewegung] | |
| med. perfusion [blood flow] | 326 Durchblutung {f} | |
| flow [ebb and flow] | 75 Flut {f} [Gezeiten] | |
| sports airflow [also airstream, flow of air around a moving person or vehicle] | 15 Fahrtwind {m} | |
| naut. scupper [opening allowing water to flow off a ship's deck] | 13 Speigat {n} [Rsv. für Speigatt] | |
| med. waters {pl} [amniotic fluid, especially as discharged in a flow shortly before birth] | 7 Fruchtwasser {n} [das beim Blasensprung abfließt] | |
| salmon [sl.] [person or vehicle that is moving against the flow] | 5 [Person oder Fahrzeug, die/das sich zu einem Menschen- oder Fahrzeugstrom entgegengesetzt bewegt] | |
| naut. tidewater [water affected by the ebb and flow of the tide] | 5 Wattwasser {n} | |
| geol. aa [also: a'a, ʻaʻā, ʻaʻa, a-aa] [type of flow lava] | Aa-Lava {f} | |
| geogr. hydro. backwash [offshore flow] | Wellenauslauf {m} [Auslaufen der Welle (am Strand)] | |
| geol. coulee [short lava flow] | kurzer Lavastrom {m} | |
| med. hypomenorrhea [Am.] [decreased menstrual flow] | Hypomenorrhoe {f} [zu schwache Menstruationsblutung] | |
| med. hypomenorrhoea [Br.] [decreased menstrual flow] | Hypomenorrhoe {f} [zu schwache Menstruationsblutung] | |
| med. hypoperfusion [decreased blood flow] | Hypoperfusion {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| MedTech. continuous-flow {adj} [attr.] [also: continuous flow] [e.g. resectoscope, hysteroscope] | Dauerspül- [z. B. Resektoskop, Hysteroskop] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to run down (sth.) [tears, water, etc.: e.g. down a cheek] [flow down] | (etw.Akk.) herablaufen [Tränen, Wasser etc.: z. B. die Wangen herab] [herabfließen] | |
| to run down (sth.) [tears, water, etc.: e.g. down a cheek] [flow down] | (etw.Akk.) herunterlaufen [Tränen, Wasser etc.: z. B. die Wangen herunter] [herunterfließen] | |
| to run over [flow over] | überfließen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| back flow [also: back-flow] | Rückstrom {m} | |
| branch creek [tributary of a creek, aka, a very small intermittent flow of water] | Nebenflüsschen {n} | |
| tech. butterfly valve [for isolating or regulating flow] | Absperrklappe {f} | |
| phys. tech. flow equilibrium [also: equilibrium of flow] | Fließgleichgewicht {n} | |
| phys. spec. Grassmann diagram [exergy flow and loss] | Grassmann-Diagramm {n} [Exergieflüsse] | |
| MedTech. inflow effect [flow-related enhancement] | Inflow-Effekt {m} | |
| chem. furn. tech. laminar hood [laminar flow cabinet] | Sicherheitswerkbank {f} [Produktschutzwerkbank] | |
| hydro. main stem [main flow] | Hauptfluss {m} | |
| med. plasma cuff [blood flow near the vessel walls] | Randstrom {m} [Angiologie] | |
| med. trickle flow | Rinnsalfluss {m} [selten] [Trickle-Flow] | |
| phys. volume velocity <m3/s> [volumetric flow rate] | Volumenstrom {m} <m3/s> | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to rush around / about sth. [flow quickly] | etw.Akk. umfließen | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| fin. cash flow model | Cashflow-Modell {n} [auch: Cash-Flow-Modell] | |
| hydro. dead-water zone [near-zero flow] | Totwasserraum {m} [z. B. hinter umströmten Hindernissen] | |
| hydro. ground water flow [also: ground-water flow] | Grundwasserströmung {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| at a leisurely pace {adv} [to swing, work, flow, etc.] | gemächlich | |
| quote lit. Flow! Flow // many ways. [trans. Emily Ezust] | Walle! walle // Manche Strecke. [Johann W. v. Goethe, Der Zauberlehrling] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| traffic ninety-degree parking layout [layout for parking cars at 90° to traffic flow] | Senkrechtaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken] | |
| phys. rate of fluid flow <m3/s> [volumetric flow rate] | Durchflussrate {f} <m3/s> [Volumenstrom] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| lit. quote Flow, flow onward // Stretches many. [trans. Edwin Zeydel] | Walle! walle // Manche Strecke. [Johann W. v. Goethe, Der Zauberlehrling] | |