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 | prone {adj} [lying flat esp. face down] | 1050 liegend [in Bauchlage] |  |
 | level {adj} [flat] | 930 eben |  |
 | plain {adj} [archaic or regional] [flat, level] | 462 flach [eben] |  |
 | level {adj} [flat] | 252 flach |  |
 | upmarket {adj} [Br.] [e.g. flat, hotel] | 8 Luxus- [z. B. Wohnung, Hotel] |  |
 | unoccupied {adj} [e.g. seat, flat, slot] | 5 frei [z. B. Platz, Wohnung, Steckplatz] |  |
 | anat. zool. platystaphyline {adj} [having a broad flat palate] | breitgaumig |  |
 | biol. platystaphyline {adj} [having a broad flat palate] | flachgaumig |  |
 | spacious {adj} [e.g. flat / apartment] | großzügig ausgelegt [z. B. Wohnung] |  |
Verbs |
 | to share sth. [flat, car etc.] | 232 etw. mitbenutzen |  |
 | to revamp sth. [esp. house, flat, office etc.] | 98 etw. aufmöbeln |  |
 | to quit (sth.) [job, flat etc.] | 28 (etw.) künden [schweiz.] [kündigen] |  |
 | to heat sth. [e.g. a room, a flat, a house, etc.] | 14 etw.Akk. heizen [z. B. einen Raum, eine Wohnung, ein Haus usw.] |  |
 | to plane [to make flat and even] | 10 planschleifen [fachspr.] |  |
 | to share sth. [flat, car etc.] | etw.Akk. gemeinsam benutzen |  |
Nouns |
 | move [change of house, flat] | 1181 Umzug {m} [Wohnungswechsel] |  |
 | tablet [flat slab of stone, clay, or wood] | 174 Tafel {f} [aus Stein, Ton oder Holz] |  |
 | gaff [Br.] [coll.] [flat] | 99 Bude {f} [ugs.] [Wohnung] |  |
 | flat [coll.] [flat tyre] | 70 Reifenpanne {f} |  |
 | RealEst. rent [for an apartment or flat] | 43 Wohnungsmiete {f} |  |
 | archi. RealEst. [flat /apartment in a pre-WWII tenement] | 40 Altbauwohnung {f} |  |
 | place [coll.] [sb.'s house, flat] | 33 Wohnung {f} |  |
 | automot. bike puncture [flat tyre] | 28 Patschen {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Reifenpanne] |  |
 | automot. bike flat [esp. Am.] [coll.] [flat tyre / tire] | 27 Plattfuß {m} [ugs.] [Reifen, der keine oder kaum noch Luft hat] |  |
 | naut. pram [flat-bottomed boat] | 27 Prahm {m} |  |
 | automot. bike flat [coll.] [flat tire] | 22 Patschen {m} [österr.] [Reifendefekt] |  |
 | refurbishing [house or flat] [Br.] | 22 Renovierung {f} [Haus oder Wohnung] |  |
 | naut. transom [flat termination of the stern of a boat] | 16 Spiegel {m} [Heckspiegel] [hinteres Ende eines Bootes oder Schiffes] |  |
 | tablet [flat slab for writing on] | 11 Schrifttafel {f} |  |
 | handbarrow [obs.] [flat barrow with wheel] | 10 Schubkarre {f} |  |
 | gastr. bannock [a round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern England] | 8 Bannockbrot {n} [Fladenbrot, ursprüngl. aus Schottland] |  |
 | theatre wing [scenery flat] | 8 Kulisse {f} [seitlich] |  |
 | sociol. [flat in a homogeneous group of industrialized apartment blocks] | 5 Arbeiterschließfach {n} [ugs.] [ostd.] [abwertend] [veraltet] |  |
 | gastr. [beef cut: brisket and flat ribs] | Überzwerch {n} [südd.] [veraltend] [Zwerchrippe, Leiterknochen] [Rindfleisch] |  |
 | gastr. [flat doughnuts covered with hot red wine; seasoned with sugar and cinnamon] | Versoffene Jungfern {pl} [fränk.] |  |
 | [hair with flat cross-section, hard-to-wave hair texture] | Bandhaar {n} [flacher Querschnitt, schwer wellbar] |  |
 | [heavy thread on a flat star-shaped spool] | Sternchenzwirn {m} |  |
 | gastr. [little flat cake, esp. gingerbread] | Zelte {m} [österr.: {f}] [südd.] |  |
 | naut. aak [type of flat-bottomed lighter on the Lower Rhine] | Aak {n} [flaches Rheinfrachtschiff] |  |
 | naut. coble [flat-bottomed fishing boat of a type used in Scotland and NE England] | Fischerboot {n} [von der in Schottland und Nordost-England gebräuchlichen Art] |  |
 | ecol. geogr. hydro. holm [Br.] [piece of flat ground by a river which is submerged in times of flood] | Flussaue {f} |  |
 | cloth. loafer [a flat, lace-less leather shoe] [originally a trademark] | Loafer® {m} [Schlupfhalbschuh] |  |
 | geogr. geol. sabkha [Arabic for: salt flat] | Sabcha {f} |  |
 | cloth. zoris [flat thonged sandals usually made of straw, cloth, leather, or rubber] | Zehenstegsandalen {pl} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | naut. flat-bottomed {adj} [with a flat bottom] | flach [mit flachem Boden] |  |
 | low-rent {adj} [attr.] [e.g. apartment or flat] | preisgünstig [mit niedriger Miete, z. B. Wohnung] |  |
 | shovel-nosed {adj} [flat snout] | flachschnäuzig |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to ask sb. in [into a flat / an apartment] | jdn. in die Wohnung bitten |  |
 | to furnish / refurnish [one's house/ flat] | sich (neu) einrichten [Wohnung, Haus] |  |
 | to paint [a room, flat] white | [einen Raum, eine Wohnung] ausweißen |  |