Dictionary English German: [farmers]

Translation 1 - 12 of 12

English German
agr. outbuilding [dwelling for retired farmers]
Stöckli {n} [schweiz.] [Altenteil, Ausgedinge]
agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang]
Schulze {m} [Schultheiß]
agr. [cf. Almabtrieb; joint herds from multiple farmers are sorted in the Viehscheid, and each cow is returned to its owner]Viehscheid {m} [Allgäu, Deutschland]
agr. hist. jobs [Nazi title for leader of German farmers. Literally: Reich Farmers Leader]Reichsbauernführer {m}
hist. [statutory corporation of farmers in Nazi Germany]Reichsnährstand {m} <RNS>
hist. jobs [woman who bought food products from farmers in order to sell them in town]Reeftragerin {f} [fränk.]
continuation [e.g. of a discounted diesel price for farmers]Erhalt {m} [Andauern, Fortbestehen]
cloth. overalls {pl} [for farmers, fitters, mechanics, etc.]Monteuranzug {m}
2 Words
farmers association [also: farmers' association]Bauerngewerkschaft {f} [bes. schweiz.]
agr. travel farmers museum [also: farmers' museum]Bauernmuseum {n}
EU fin. support schemes [esp. for farmers]Stützungsregelungen {pl} [bes. für die Landwirtschaft]
3 Words
EU fin. direct support schemes [for farmers]Direktzahlungen {pl} [für die Landwirtschaft]
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