Dictionary English German: [far]

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
rushed {adj} {past-p} [far too quick, overhasty]
deep {adj} [situated far down]
tiefgelegen [auch: tief gelegen]
early {adj} [belonging to a period far back in time]alt [früh]
much {adv} [by far]bei weitem [oder: bei Weitem]
yet {adv} [thus far]bis jetzt
to overreach [go too far, exaggerate]
überziehen [zu weit gehen, übertreiben]
archaeo. archi. longhouse [N. America, Europe, Far East]
Langhaus {n} [Nordamerika, Europa, Ferner Osten]
2 Words: Others
abysmally poor {adj} [coll.] [far below an acceptable standard]grottig [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. alt-right [politically far right group in the U.S.]alternative Rechte {f} [extrem rechte Gruppe in den USA]
econ. general environment [far environment]ferne Umwelt {f}
electr. engin. telecom. transition zone [between near field and far field of an antenna]Übergangsfeld {n} [zwischen Nahfeld und Fernfeld einer Antenne]
3 Words: Others
all the farther {conj} [Am.] [coll.] [as far as]so weit wie
as of today {adv} [so far]Stand heute [Jargon]
as of today {adv} [so far]nach heutigem Stand
as of today {adv} [so far]mit Stand von heute
for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned]was das anbelangt
for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned]was das angeht
for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned]was das betrifft
sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future]früher oder später
sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future]über kurz oder lang [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to get round to sth. [to sth. postponed so far]zu etw.Dat. kommen [zu etw. bisher Aufgeschobenen]
to go too far [fig.] [sth. goes too far]zu bunt werden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to piss all over sb./sth. [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] [be far superior to]jdn./etw. nassmachen [ugs.] [um Klassen besser sein]
4 Words: Others
as for my part {adv} [as far as I'm concerned]was mich betrifft
somewhere far, far awayirgendwo weit weg
4 Words: Verbs
to come clean (with it) [idiom] [tell the truth about sth. kept hidden so far]Farbe bekennen [Redewendung] [deutlich die Wahrheit sagen]
4 Words: Nouns
electr. telecom. alien far end crosstalk <AFEXT> [also: alien far-end cross-talk / cross talk]Fremdfernübersprechen {n}
electr. telecom. far-end cross talk <FEXT> [also: far-end cross-talk]Fernnebensprechen {n}
5+ Words: Others
quote Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far - far far away from here. [Forrest Gump]Lieber Gott, mach aus mir einen Vogel, damit ich wegfliegen kann. Weit weit weg ...
proverb Far from eye far from heart.Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn.
To the best of my remembrance, ... [rare or archaic] [As far as I can recall, ...]Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, ...
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Far Far Away [Shrek]Weit Weit Weg [Shrek]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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