| English  | German |  |
 | inaugural {adj} [e.g. exhibition, game or match, ceremony, address] | 1037 Eröffnungs- [z. B. Ausstellung, Spiel, Feier, Ansprache] |  |
 | picture {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frame, exhibition, puzzle] | 20 Bilder- [z. B. Rahmen, Ausstellung, Rätsel] |  |
Verbs |
 | to label sth. [e.g. items of an exhibition] | 10 etw.Akk. beschildern [z. B. Exponate einer Ausstellung] |  |
Nouns |
 | exposition [exhibition] | 311 Ausstellung {f} |  |
 | display [exhibition of paintings etc.] | 269 Ausstellung {f} |  |
 | comm. stand [at an exhibition, fair] | 232 Messestand {m} |  |
 | art comm. exhibit [esp. Am.] [exhibition] | 153 Ausstellung {f} [Schau] |  |
 | comm. booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | 67 Ausstellungsstand {m} |  |
 | art preview [of an art exhibition] | 52 Vernissage {f} |  |
 | showpiece [prime or outstanding example used for exhibition] | 28 Aushängeschild {n} [Renommierstück] |  |
 | agr. fair [Am.] [competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc.] | (landwirtschaftliche) Leistungsschau {f} |  |
 | telecom. hamfest [radio amateur products exhibition] | Amateurfunk-Ausstellung {f} |  |
 | waxworks [treated as sg.] [Br.] [exhibition of wax dummies] | Wachsfigurenkabinett {n} |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to draw visitors [exhibition, event, museum, etc.] | Besucher anziehen [Aussstellung, Veranstaltung, Museum etc.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | art art exhibit [Am.] [art exhibition] | Kunstausstellung {f} |  |
 | gem show [gem exhibition] | Edelsteintag {m} |  |
 | jobs hall manager [of exhibition, sports or market hall] | Hallenmeister {m} [Hallenleiter] |  |
 | island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Blockstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung] |  |
 | island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Inselstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung] |  |
 | linear booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Reihenstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung] |  |
 | mineral show [mineral exhibition] | Mineralientag {m} |  |
 | museum exhibit [Am.] [exhibition] | Museumsausstellung {f} |  |
 | peninsula booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Kopfstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung] |  |
 | perimeter booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Reihenstand {m} [an der Außenwand einer Messehalle] |  |
 | special exhibit [Am.] [exhibition] | Sonderausstellung {f} |  |
 | stall rent [booth or exhibition stall rent] | Standmiete {f} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | as a loan {adv} [esp. of an exhibition] | als Leihgabe |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to open one's doors [exhibition etc.: either the very first time or daily] | die Pforten öffnen [eröffnet werden oder öffnen (täglich)] |  |
 | to open one's doors [exhibition etc.: either the very first time or daily] | die Tore öffnen [eröffnet werden oder öffnen (täglich)] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | Federal Garden Show [in Germany] [also: Federal Garden Exhibition] | Bundesgartenschau {f} <BUGA> [in Deutschland] |  |
 | in-line booth [at a trade fair, exhibition] | Reihenstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung] |  |
 | space layout planning [e.g. exhibition] | Hallenverplanung {f} [z. B. Messe] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | mus. F Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks [Pictures at an Exhibition] | Ballett der Küchlein / Küklein / Küken in ihren Eierschalen [Bilder einer Ausstellung] |  |