Dictionary English German: [exercise]

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

English German
voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. analysis, exercise, leading, training]
Stimm- [z. B. Analyse, Übung, Führung, Bildung]
bibl. hist. Solomonic {adj} [also fig.: exhibiting or requiring the exercise of great wisdom]
salomonisch [auch fig.: einem Weisen entsprechend ausgewogen, weise] [geh.]
listening {adj} [attr.] [e.g. comprehension, exercise, experience, material, pleasure, text]Hör- [z. B. Verständnis, Übung, Erlebnis, Material, Vergnügen, Text]
mus. singing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. career, classes, contest, duo, exercise]Gesangs- [z. B. Karriere, Unterricht, Wettbewerb, Duo, Übung]
bibl. hist. Solomonian {adj} [also fig.: exhibiting or requiring the exercise of great wisdom]salomonisch [auch fig.: einem Weisen entsprechend ausgewogen, weise] [geh.]
to train [practice, exercise, coach]
to practice (sth.) [Am.] [train, exercise to acquire a skill]
(etw.) üben
to practice [Am.] [exercise, train]
to control [exercise power]Macht ausüben
to wilt [after physical exercise]schlapp werden [nach körperlicher Übung]
practice [exercise]
Übung {f}
jotter [Scot.: exercise book]
Übungsheft {n}
roll [also gymnastic exercise]
Rolle {f} [auch Turnübung]
book [thin booklet, exercise book etc. with soft cover]
Heft {n}
listening [exercise / comprehension]
Hören {n} [Übung / Hörverständnis]
sports scissors [treated as sg.] [gymnastic exercise performed on the pommel horse]
Schere {f} [Turnübung am Seitpferd]
sports plank [exercise]
Unterarmstütz {m}
airing [walk to take air or exercise]
Spaziergang {m} [um frische Luft zu schöpfen]
gentleness [leisureliness of pace, exercise, etc.]
Gemächlichkeit {f}
mus. [etude / practice exercise for keyboard]Clavier-Übung {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Klavierübung]
sports curl [exercise]Curl {m}
relig. exercitation [religious exercise]Exerzitium {n} [geistliche Übung]
equest. hacking [horse riding for pleasure or exercise]Ausreiten {n}
sports upstart [gymnastic exercise performed on or with some apparatus]Kippe {f} [an oder mit einem Gerät ausgeführte Turnübung]
2 Words: Verbs
sports to warm up [prior to exercise]sich aufwärmen
2 Words: Nouns
sports ball training [strength and agility training using an exercise ball]Balltraining {n} [körperliche Übungen mit einem Übungsball]
sports calf raise [exercise]Wadenheben {n} [Übung]
educ. chain practice [exercise]Kettenübung {f}
sports donkey kicks [workout exercise]Eseltritte {pl} [Fitnessübung]
mil. exercise area [of a military exercise]Übungsraum {m} [einer militärischen Übung]
med. MedTech. exercise electrocardiogram <exercise EKG, exercise ECG>Belastungselektrokardiogramm {n} <Belastungs-EKG>
mil. field day [exercise]Manöver {n}
sports leg curl [exercise]Beinbeugen {n}
sports leg extension [exercise]Beinstrecken {n}
sports scissor kicks [workout exercise]Scherentritte {pl} [Scissor Kicks] [Fitnessübung]
sports scissor kicks [workout exercise]Scissor Kicks {pl} [Fitnessübung]
sports scissor kicks {pl} [workout exercise]Scherenschlag {m} [Scissor Kicks] [Fitnessübung]
sports shoulder stand [gymnastic exercise and yoga pose]Schulterstand {m} [Turnübung und Yogastellung]
sports side plank [exercise]Seitarmstütz {m}
sports sit-up [abdominal strength training exercise]Rumpfbeuge {f}
sports sit-up [physical exercise]Aufrichter {m} [seltener] [Sit-up]
sports sit-up [physical exercise]Klappmesser {n} [Bauchmuskelübung]
med. MedTech. stress test [exercise electrocardiogram]Belastungselektrokardiogramm {n} <Belastungs-EKG>
med. MedTech. treadmill test [coll.] [exercise electrocardiogram]Belastungselektrokardiogramm {n} <Belastungs-EKG>
sports tummy crunch [coll.] [abdominal exercise]Bauchpresse {f}
mus. vocal study [vocal exercise]Gesangsübung {f}
mil. war game [military exercise]Kriegsübung {f}
sports weekend training [exercise]Wochenendtraining {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to catch one's breath [idiom] [after exercise]Luft holen [sich [Akk.] verschnaufen]
to hold two lots [tender exercise]zwei Lose halten [Ausschreibung]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. etude for piano [practice exercise]Klavierübung {f} [Etüde für Klavier]
med. MedTech. exercise EKG (test) [also: exercise ECG]Belastungs-EKG {n}
biol. sports maximal aerobic capacity <VO2 max, VO2max> [exercise physiology, respiratory physiology]maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme {f} <VO2max> [Leistungsdiagnostik]
biol. sports maximal oxygen consumption <VO2 max, VO2max> [exercise physiology, respiratory physiology]maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme {f} <VO2max> [Leistungsdiagnostik]
biol. sports maximal oxygen uptake <VO2 max, VO2max> [exercise physiology, respiratory physiology]maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme {f} <VO2max> [Leistungsdiagnostik]
biol. sports peak oxygen uptake <VO2 max, VO2max> [exercise physiology, respiratory physiology]maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme {f} <VO2max> [Leistungsdiagnostik]
4 Words: Verbs
sports to circle with one's arms [gymnastic exercise]mit den Armen kreisen [Gymnastikübung]
4 Words: Nouns
med. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching <PNF stretching> [physical exercise]PNF-Stretching {n}
5+ Words: Others
comm. on a lot-by-lot basis {adj} [tender exercise]losweise [Ausschreibung]
sports training sessions and rest periods [principle of exercise]Belastung und Erholung [Trainingsprinzip]
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