| English | German | |
| mass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arrest, brawl, breakout, dismissals, execution, media] | 9 Massen- [z. B. Verhaftung, Schlägerei, Ausbruch, Entlassungen, Hinrichting, Medien] | |
Verbs |
| law to reprieve sb. [remit execution] | jdm. Strafaufschub gewähren | |
Nouns |
| delivery [fulfilment, execution] | 394 Erfüllung {f} [eines Versprechens, einer Zusage] | |
| performance [execution] | 258 Ausführung {f} [einer Aufgabe, eines Produkts etc.] | |
| performance [execution] | 186 Durchführung {f} | |
| achievement [execution] | 168 Ausführung {f} | |
| workmanship [quality of execution] | 34 Ausführung {f} [Qualität einer Arbeit] | |
| performance [execution] | 18 Vornahme {f} [Ausführung] | |
| hist. scaffold [platform for execution] | 14 Blutgerüst {n} [seltener für: Schafott] | |
| hanging [execution] | 13 Aufknüpfen {n} [Erhängen] | |
| hist. relig. spec. [prison chaplain in Nürnberg who prepared inmates for execution] | Lochkaplan {m} | |
| necklacing [S.Afr.] [practice of summary execution] | Necklacing {n} [eine Form von Lynchjustiz] | |
| hist. pressing [method of execution] | Zerquetschen {n} [Hinrichtungsmethode] | |
2 Words |
| hist. blood eagle [Viking ritual method of execution] | Blutaar {m} [Hinrichtungsritual bei den Wikingern] | |
| hist. blood eagle [Viking ritual method of execution] | Blutadler {m} [Hinrichtungsritual bei den Wikingern] | |
| law death chamber [execution room] | Hinrichtungsraum {m} | |
| death house [Am.] [coll.] [building housing execution equipment etc.] | Hinrichtungsgebäude {n} | |
| comp. program run [execution] | Programmablauf {m} | |
| short drop [strangulation, execution method] | kurzer Fall {m} [Strangulation, Hinrichtungsart] | |
| standard drop [strangulation, execution method] | Standardfall {m} [Strangulation, Hinrichtungsart] | |
3 Words |
| to ascend the scaffold [for execution] | das Schafott besteigen | |
| to give sb. lethal injection [execution] | jdm. die Giftspritze setzen [Hinrichtung] | |
4 Words |
| hist. law to hang, draw and quarter sb. [execution method] | jdn. hängen, ausweiden und vierteilen [ehem. Hinrichtungsmethode in England] | |