Dictionary English German: [excess]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
redundant {adj} [being in excess; superfluous; characterized by superabundance or superfluity]
redundant [geh. od. fachspr.] [überzählig, mehrfach vorhanden; überflüssig; überreichlich vorhanden]
lavish {adj} [marked by excess]
vergeuderisch [selten]
meteo. rainfall {adj} [attr.] [e.g. distribution, excess, intensity, quantity, recorder]Regen- [z. B. Verteilung, Überschuss, Intensität, Menge, Schreiber]
redundant {adj} [being in excess]zusätzlich vorhanden
to overreach [go to excess, exaggerate]
[to destroy by excess vehicle traffic, e.g. dunes or desert habitat]
etw.Akk. zerfahren [durch vieles Befahren völlig zerstören]
spec. tech. to fettle sth. [remove excess material from a cast component]etw. beschroten [veraltet] [beschneiden] [Gusstechnik]
to overuse sth. [to use to excess]etw.Akk. übernützen [auch übernutzen] [zu stark nutzen]
spree [dated for drinking excess]
Gelage {n} [Trinkgelage]
lard [Br.] [coll.] [excess fat on a human body]
Speck {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Fettpolster]
[excess weight gained from emotional overeating]
Kummerspeck {m} [ugs.]
bloat [excess]
Überschuss {m}
hist. mil. [excess serviceman in Prussian military, used as a substitute when needed]Überkompletter {m}
med. lordosis [excess forward curvature of the spine]Rückgratverkrümmung {f} nach vorn
hist. mil. supernumeraries [excess personnel in German Armed Forces in the 18th and 19th centuries]Überkomplette {pl}
2 Words
surfeited on sth. {past-p} [archaic] [eaten to excess]sichDat. etw. übergegessen
to binge on sth. [coll.] [eat to excess]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. vollstopfen [ugs.] [gierig und viel essen]
to give change [for a payment in excess of the charge]herausgeben [Wechselgeld]
to load sb./sth. with sth. [fig.] [to excess]jdn./etw. mit etw.Dat. überhäufen [fig.]
to mop up sth. [excess liquidity, votes]etw. abschöpfen [Geldmenge, Wählerstimmen]
jobs excess hours [work hours in excess of the agreed amount]Mehrarbeitszeit {f}
astron. infrared excess <IR excess, IRX>Infrarotexzess {m}
insur. med. mortality displacement [excess mortality rate]Übersterblichkeit {f}
mil. nonorganic vehicle [in excess of unit organizational allowance]nicht-einheitseigenes Fahrzeug {n}
econ. market. remaining products [e.g. from excess production]Restware {f} [Ramschware]
ecol. storage gas [e.g. methane produced using excess electrical power from grid]Speichergas {n}
3 Words
to go too far [go to excess]Ausschweifungen begehen
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