Dictionary English German: [exam]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
educ. passed {adj} {past-p} [exam]
bestanden [Prüfung]
taken {past-p} [exam]
abgelegt [Prüfung]
educ. passing {pres-p} [an exam]
absolvierend [eine Prüfung]
educ. to pass [exam]
bestehen [Prüfung]
educ. to pass sth. [an exam]
etw.Akk. absolvieren [eine Prüfung]
to take sth. [an exam]
etw.Akk. ablegen [eine Prüfung]
to flunk sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [an exam]bei etw.Dat. durchrasseln [ugs.] [einer Prüfung]
educ. to flunk sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [an exam]in / bei etw.Dat. durchfliegen [ugs.] [einer Prüfung]
educ. to flunk sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [e.g. biology, an exam]in etw.Dat. durchfallen [z. B. Biologie, einer Prüfung]
educ. to flunk sth. [esp. Am.] [exam]bei etw.Dat. durchrauschen [ugs.] [Prüfung]
econ. educ. [entrepreneurship exam in various European countries]
Unternehmerprüfung {f}
educ. mock [Br.] [coll.] [mock exam]
Probeexamen {n}
educ. [entrance exam for academic high schools]
Gymiprüfung {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
educ. sitter [esp. Br.] [to an exam]
Prüfling {m} [Examenskandidat, Testkandidat]
acad. [essay, paper; written part of a state exam in Germany](wissenschaftliche) Hausarbeit {f}
educ. makeup [coll.] [Am.] [test, exam]Nachprüfung {f} [Wiederholungsprüfung]
2 Words: Verbs
educ. to come up [of a question or subject in an exam]drankommen [ugs.]
to fail miserably [in an exam]mit Bomben und Granaten durchfallen [ugs.] [Idiom]
to fail miserably [play; in an exam]mit Pauken und Trompeten durchfallen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
educ. to grade down [exam paper]schlechter benoten
educ. to grade up [exam paper]höher benoten
to perform well [in a competition or exam]gut abschneiden
to scrape through sth. [e.g. an exam]durch etw.Akk. mit knapper Not durchkommen [z. B. eine Prüfung]
2 Words: Nouns
answer book [for a test or exam]Fragebogen {m}
educ. English exam [written exam]Englischarbeit {f}
educ. exam question [in a written exam]Klausuraufgabe {f}
educ. German exam [written exam]Deutscharbeit {f}
educ. grade curve [on an exam] [Am.]Notenanpassung {f}
art educ. lit. Jobsiade scene [Job school exam scene]Jobsiade {f} [Prüfungsszene]
last meal [of person condemned to death or before an exam etc.]Henkersmahlzeit {f} [auch fig.]
educ. master's certificate [exam]Meisterprüfung {f}
past [exam] papersAltklausuren {pl}
3 Words: Others
How did sth. go? [e.g.: How did the exam go?]Wie war etw. [Nom.]? [z. B.: Wie war die Prüfung?]
3 Words: Verbs
educ. to get a pass [chiefly Br.] [in exam]bestehen [durchkommen]
educ. to give a curve [on an exam]eine Notenanpassung gewähren
to pass hands down [exam, test, etc.]mit Leichtigkeit bestehen
to pass with distinction [exam, test etc.]hervorragend abschneiden
3 Words: Nouns
med. MedTech. colon X-ray [barium enema exam]Kolon-Kontrast-Untersuchung {f} [mit bariumhaltigem Kontrastbrei]
short answer question <SAQ> [type of exam question]Kurzantwortfrage {f} <KAF> [Prüfungsart]
4 Words: Verbs
educ. to fly through an exam [esp. Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [succeed easily at an exam]eine Prüfung mit links bestehen [ugs.] [Idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
revision of subject matter [for an exam]Stoffwiederholung {f}
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