| English  | German |  |
 | odoriferous {adj} [especially unpleasant] | 25 duftend [übelriechend] |  |
 | Woot! [coll.] [especially in electronic communication] | 19 Juchhu! |  |
 | hist. med. pre- {prefix} [used especially in words regarded as Latin] | 10 prä- |  |
 | unbiassed {adj} [spv., especially Br.] | 10 unvoreingenommen |  |
 | odoriferous {adj} [especially unpleasant] | 8 riechend [übelriechend] |  |
 | hist. med. prae- {prefix} [Br.] [used especially in words regarded as Latin] | prä- |  |
 | unbiassed {adj} [spv., especially Br.] | unbefangen |  |
Verbs |
 | to hoof [Am.] [sl.] [to dance, especially tap-dance] | 6 tanzen [bes. Stepp tanzen] |  |
Nouns |
 | varmint [Am.] [coll.] [mischievous person, especially child] | 465 Racker {m} |  |
 | varmint [Am.] [coll.] [mischievous person, especially child] | 420 Tunichtgut {m} |  |
 | telltale [esp. Br.] [pej.] [person, especially a child] | 220 Petze {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | dibs {pl} [coll.] [dated] [money, especially in small amounts] | 195 Geld {n} |  |
 | drum [cylindrical receptacle, especially a large, metal one for storing or transporting liquids] | 172 Fass {n} [bes. aus Metall und für Flüssigkeiten, z. B. Ölfass] |  |
 | dirt [soil or earth, especially when loose] | 133 Erde {f} [bes. lockere Erde] |  |
 | kitty [money pool, especially for buying coffee] | 47 Kaffeekasse {f} |  |
 | acad. educ. jobs don [Br.] [especially at Cambridge and Oxford] | 33 Universitätsdozent {m} |  |
 | matron [older married woman, especially one who is staid or dignified] | 32 Matrone {f} [ältere, Gesetztheit und Würde ausstrahlende Frau] |  |
 | hunting zool. hide [skin of an animal, especially when tanned or dressed] | 25 Decke {f} |  |
 | gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s] | 23 Gastarbeiter {m} |  |
 | chants [especially at large events] | 20 Sprechchöre {pl} |  |
 | seeming [literary] [external appearance, especially when distinguished from true character] | 12 Erscheinungsbild {n} |  |
 | mil. panzer [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II] | 11 Panzer {m} [Kampfpanzer] |  |
 | orn. bevy [especially quail] | 10 Flug {m} [besonders Wachteln] |  |
 | tech. flange [especially a formed flange] | 10 Bördel {m} |  |
 | relig. ministry [especially Presbyterian] | 9 Geistlichkeit {f} |  |
 | comm. store [especially large out of town stores] [Br.] | 9 Verbrauchermarkt {m} |  |
 | [person from Northern Germany, especially Hamburg] | 8 Fischkopp {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | naches [Am.] [pride or pleasure, especially at the achievements of one's children] [from Yiddish] | 7 Stolz {m} [bes. auf seine Kinder] |  |
 | jobs theatre regisseur [especially of a ballet] | 7 Regisseur {m} [bes. eines Balletts] |  |
 | cloth. serape [long blanket-like cloak, worn in Mexico, especially by men] | 7 Umhang {m} [traditioneller Bestandteil der männlichen mexikanischen Tracht] |  |
 | med. waters {pl} [amniotic fluid, especially as discharged in a flow shortly before birth] | 7 Fruchtwasser {n} [das beim Blasensprung abfließt] |  |
 | pol. sociol. [diversity in perception between the conservative German-speaking and the liberal French-speaking parts of Switzerland, especially regarding political and social issues] | 6 Röstigraben {m} [schweiz.] [fig.] |  |
 | archaeo. spec. Viereckschanze [quadrangular Celtic enclosure, especially in Southern Germany] | 5 Viereckschanze {f} |  |
 | fin. hist. [historical excise tax on consumption, especially of alcohol] | Ungeld {n} |  |
 | market. [large billboard] [especially of political parties during election campaigns] | Wesselmanntafel {f} [Politikjargon] |  |
 | for. [solitary, stunted young tree - especially a low, bushy pine] | Kussel {f} |  |
 | archi. belfries [German term: for belfries especially typical in Flemish towns] | Belfriede {pl} [besonders für flämische Städte typische Glockentürme] |  |
 | dent. med. checkup [esp. Am.] [especially a general physical examination] | Check-up {m} {n} [medizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchung, Überprüfung] |  |
 | mil. mus. drummer [especially with the military] | Tambour {m} [besonders beim Militär] [veraltend] [Trommler] |  |
 | med. duplicature [a doubling or fold especially of a membrane] | Duplikatur {f} [Verdoppelung / Doppelbildung einer anatomischen Struktur] |  |
 | dustbin [Br.] [a container for household refuse, especially one kept outside] | Dreckeimer {m} [ugs.] [Mülleimer, Abfalleimer im Freien] |  |
 | cloth. joggers {pl} [one pair] [trousers worn especially for jogging] | Jogginghose {f} |  |
 | law malfeasance [wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official] | strafbare Handlung {f} [Amtsvergehen] |  |
 | med. meralgia [pain especially of a neuralgic kind in the thigh] | Meralgie {f} |  |
 | nigga [Am.] [sl.] [strongly racially offensive, especially when used by a nonblack person] | Nigger {m} [pej.] [rassistisch] |  |
 | hist. mil. panzers [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II] | Panzer {pl} [Kampfpanzer] |  |
 | potato [Br.] [coll.] [large hole in a sock or stocking, especially one in the heel] | Kartoffel {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [großes Loch im Strumpf] |  |
 | med. soroche [mountain sickness especially in the Andes] | Höhenkrankheit {f} (in den Anden) |  |
 | spoiling [depredation, especially by war or catastrophes] | Verheerung {f} [Verwüstung, insbesondere durch Krieg oder Katastrophen] |  |
 | cloth. stickpin [Am.] [an ornamental pin especially for a necktie] | Krawattennadel {f} |  |
 | stray [especially a domestic animal] | Stromer {m} [ugs.] [bes. für eine Katze, einen Hund] |  |
 | woodcraft [esp. Am.] [skills related to a woodland habitat, especially to outdoor survival] | Kunst {f} des Überlebens in der Natur [bes. im Wald] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to continue drinking [especially alcoholic drinks] | weitertrinken [insbes. alkoholische Getränke] |  |
 | to eat sth. up [to use up, especially wastefully] [often fig.] | etw. vervespern [ugs.] [etw. auffressen] [häufig fig.] |  |
 | Internet to hate on sb. [especially on social media] | jdn. haten [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [sich hasserfüllt äußern, vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | constr. RealEst. traffic access road [especially within a property] | Erschließungsstraße {f} [Zugangsstraße] |  |
 | dent. med. check-up [esp. Br.] [especially a general physical examination] | Check-up {m} {n} [medizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchung, Überprüfung] |  |
 | coffin nails [coll.] [cigarettes, especially strong unfiltered ones] | Sargnägel {pl} [ugs. für: Zigaretten] [hum.] [fig.] |  |
 | gastr. game hen [a young, small hen used especially for roasting] | [Junghuhn, das vornehmlich gebraten wird] |  |
 | admin. jobs job cuts [referring especially, but not exclusively, to the public service] | Postenstreichungen {pl} |  |
 | acad. natural scientist [especially as understood in 18th and 19th centuries; usually a layman] | Naturforscher {m} |  |
 | pol. October surprise [Am.] [unexpected event or revelation in the final weeks prior to an election, especially a US presidential election] | Oktober-Überraschung {f} [unerwartetes Ereignis oder überraschende Enthüllung in den letzten Wochen vor einer Wahl, insbesondere einer US-Präsidentschaftswahl] |  |
 | party piece [sth. done to entertain people, especially at parties] | Kabinettstückchen {n} |  |
 | admin. regional administration [especially in Russia] | Gebietsverwaltung {f} [besonders in Russland] |  |
 | equest. stable companion [especially a racehorse from the same establishment as another] [stablemate] | Stallgefährte {m} |  |
 | med. tabardillo fever [murine typhus occurring especially in Mexico] | Tabardillo-Fieber {n} [epidemisches Fleckfieber in Mittelamerika] |  |
 | comm. trade fair [especially or exclusively for trade visitors] | Fachmesse {f} |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to have sore feet [especially from walking] | fußmarod sein [österr.] [ugs.] [fußkrank] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. a rice day [a day on which one eats especially rice] | ein Reistag {m} [auch: Reis-Tag] [ein Tag, an dem man besonders Reis isst] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | material to be dyed [especially fabrics] | Färbegut {n} |  |