| English  | German |  |
 | naut. port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. engine, helm, side, watch] | 870 Backbord- [z. B. Motor, Ruder, Seite, Wache] |  |
 | tech. rough {adj} [running of engine] | 334 unrund |  |
 | FireResc responding {adj} {pres-p} [e.g. fire engine] | 11 ausrückend [z. B. Löschfahrzeug] |  |
 | poky {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [of an engine - powerful] | 9 kräftig |  |
 | zoomed {past-p} [of an engine] | gesurrt |  |
Verbs |
 | to fail [harvest, machine, engine, electricity, gas, water] | 599 ausfallen [Ernte, Maschine, Motor, Strom, Gas, Wasser] |  |
 | to restrain sth. [volume, engine etc.] | 296 etw.Akk. drosseln [Motor etc.] |  |
 | automot. to rev [engine] | 211 aufheulen [Motor] |  |
 | to stall [engine] | 210 absterben [ugs.] [stehen bleiben (Motor)] |  |
 | to start sth. [an engine, a car, a machine, etc.] | 205 etw. anlassen [einen Motor, ein Auto, eine Maschine usw.] |  |
 | to install sth. [e.g. a new shower, an engine] | 195 etw.Akk. einbauen [z. B. eine neue Dusche, einen Motor] |  |
 | engin. to decarbonise [Br.] [an engine] | 120 entkohlen [einen Motor] |  |
 | engin. to decarbonize [an engine] | 118 entkohlen [einen Motor] |  |
 | to flood [engine] | 68 absaufen [ugs.] [Motor] |  |
 | to roar [fig.] [of an engine] | 61 röhren [fig.] [Motor] |  |
 | to putter [sound of an engine] | 56 tuckern |  |
 | to scream [wind, engine, siren] | 52 heulen [Wind, Sirene, Motor] |  |
 | to chuff [engine] | 46 tuckern |  |
 | to clatter [vehicle, two-stroke engine] | 27 knattern [Oldtimer, Zweitakter] |  |
 | electr. to suppress [engine, distributor, electrical appliance] | 25 entstören |  |
 | to zoom [sound of an engine] | 23 surren |  |
 | to chuff [steam engine] | 22 puffen [ugs.] |  |
 | automot. to ping [engine] [Am.] | 21 klopfen [Verbrennungsmotor] |  |
 | naut. to sail [to travel in a ship or boat using sails or engine power] | 19 fahren [mit einem Schiff oder Boot] |  |
 | naut. to bunker [load a vessel's bunker with coal or oil for the engine] | 17 bunkern |  |
 | tech. to detonate [engine] | 6 klopfen [Motor] |  |
 | to overheat [car, engine, etc.; also: economy] | sich überhitzen [Auto, Motor etc.; auch: Konjunktur] |  |
 | tech. to splutter [e.g. engine] | spotzen [ugs.] [regional] [z. B. Motor] |  |
 | to varoom [spv.] [vroom] [loud roaring noise of an engine] | röhren [fig.] [Motor, Motorrad, Auto, usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | automot. alternator [auxiliary generator of an engine] | 768 Lichtmaschine {f} |  |
 | aviat. engine [jet engine] | 508 Triebwerk {n} |  |
 | siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] | 81 Martinshorn {n} |  |
 | tech. tuning [of an engine] | 76 Einstellung {f} [eines Motors] |  |
 | aviat. propjet [engine] | 48 Turboprop {f} |  |
 | aviat. power [of engine] | 37 Schubkraft {f} |  |
 | automot. revs {pl} [coll.] [engine speed] | 34 Drehzahl {f} |  |
 | automot. starting [of an engine] | 31 Anspringen {n} |  |
 | aviat. turboprop [engine] | 31 Propellerturbine {f} |  |
 | aviat. glide [without engine] | 23 Gleitflug {m} |  |
 | aviat. propjet [engine] | 21 Propellerturbine {f} |  |
 | aviat. turboprop [engine] | 18 Turboprop {f} |  |
 | FireResc appliance [Br.] [fire engine] | 17 Löschfahrzeug {n} |  |
 | siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] | 10 Einsatzhorn {n} |  |
 | aviat. turbojet [jet engine] | 10 Strahlturbine {f} |  |
 | automot. tech. knocking [engine] | 9 Zündfunkenklopfen {n} [Motor] |  |
 | naut. chadburn [engine-room telegraph] | 6 Maschinentelegraf {m} [im Schiff] |  |
 | automot. dieseling [of an engine] | 5 Nachdieseln {n} [eines Motors] |  |
 | backfire [of an engine] | Rückzündung {f} [Fehlzündung] |  |
 | rail banker [Br.] [banking engine / locomotive] | Schiebelok {f} |  |
 | boat [attr.] [e.g. bridge, building, cover, deck, engine, race, rental] | Boots- [z. B. Steg, Bau, Plane, Deck, Motor, Rennen, Verleih] |  |