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| loose {adj} [e.g. tooth, brick, end; alliance; mushrooms; dress; tongue] | 900 lose [z. B. Zahn, Ziegelstein, Ende; Zusammenschluss; Pilze; Kleid; Zunge od. Mundwerk] | |
| ultimately {adv} [in the end] | 372 schließlich | |
| regardless {adv} [placed at the end: He did it regardless.] | 254 trotzdem [Er tat es trotzdem / doch / dennoch.] | |
| finished {adj} {past-p} [brought to an end; also: personally ruined or failed in some major role] | 208 erledigt [beendet, fertig; auch ugs.: ruiniert, am Ende (Person)] | |
| upright {adv} [on end] | 105 hochkant | |
| med. terminal {adj} [end of the range of movement / motion] | 14 endgradig [z. B. Endgelenk, Biegung / Streckung] | |
| terminating {adj} {pres-p} [coming to an end] | 6 auslaufend | |
| considering [at the end of a sentence or clause] | wenn man es (recht) bedenkt | |
Verbs |
| to dump sb. [coll.] [to end relationship] | 518 jdn. verlassen | |
| to win sth. [achieve an end] | 346 etw. erlangen | |
| to stop [remain standing, end activity] | 126 stoppen [stehen bleiben, aufhören] | |
| to shake sth. [coll.] [get rid of or put an end to sth.] | 108 etw. abschütteln [fig.] [etw. loswerden] | |
| to flare [gradually become wider at one end] | 101 aufweiten | |
| to finish [end, draw to an end] | 52 enden | |
| to suppress sth. [end, forbid] | 32 etw. abklemmen [schweiz.] [unterdrücken, beenden, verbieten] | |
| to finish sth. [read a book to the end] | 22 etw. auskriegen [ugs.] | |
| tech. to flare [pipe end] | 11 aufdornen [Rohrende] | |
| to answer [the phone at the called end] | sich melden | |
| to dwindle [draw to an end] | zur Neige gehen [geh.] [Redewendung] | |
| to finish sth. [terminate, end] | mit etw.Dat. aufhören [z. B. Arbeit, Job] | |
| to nix sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [to put an end to sth.] | etw. über den Haufen werfen [ugs.] [etw. ein Ende machen, ablehnen] | |
| to pass [come to an end (pain, anxiety, etc.)] | sich geben [vorbeigehen, nachlassen und aufhören (Schmerzen, Angst etc.)] | |
| to scotch sth. [put an end to] | einer Sache den Boden entziehen [Gerücht, Darstellung] | |
| to sunset sth. [allow to end] | etw.Akk. auslaufen lassen [enden lassen] | |
Nouns |
| outcome [end result] | 705 Ausgang {m} [Endergebnis, Resultat] | |
| jobs gratuity [Br.] [end-of-contract gratuity] | 220 Abfindung {f} | |
| cusp [pointed end] | 152 Zipfel {m} [spitzes Ende] | |
| gastr. crust [crusty end of bread] | 57 Brotkanten {m} | |
| ling. mus. cadence [sequence of notes or chords; fall in pitch of the voice (at the end of a sentence phrase)] | 45 Kadenz {f} [Harmonielehre: Akkordfolge, Schlussphrase; Linguistik: das Abfallen der Stimme (am Ende eines Satzes oder Satzglieds)] | |
| tactic [an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end] | 33 Vorgehensweise {f} [Taktik, Strategie] | |
| subservience [serving as a means to an end] | 30 Dienlichkeit {f} | |
| comm. sales {pl} [at reduced prices, end of season] | 29 Schlussverkauf {m} [Saisonschlussverkauf] | |
| valediction [at the end of a letter or message] | 28 Grußformel {f} [am Schluss eines Briefes oder einer Nachricht] | |
| mil. [turning in of military equipment at the end of service] | 25 Abgeben {n} [schweiz.] [Rückgabe der Militärausrüstung, normalerweise am Tag der Entlassung aus der Dienstpflicht] | |
| face [front side, gable end] | 22 Stirnseite {f} | |
| bit [end of pipe mouthpiece held between teeth] | 18 Biss {m} | |
| admin. econ. [spending rush among company departments or administrative bodies at the end of the year to avoid budget cuts in the following year(s)] | 12 Dezemberfieber {n} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| hist. [years of rapid industrial expansion in Germany at the end of the 19th century] | 12 Gründerzeit {f} | |
| [examination at the end of an apprenticeship] | 10 Gesellenprüfung {f} | |
| comp. spec. abend [abnormal end] | 10 Computerabsturz {m} | |
| gastr. heel [crusty end of bread] | 10 Ranft {m} [regional] [Brotkante] | |
| for. tools peavey [Am.] [a lumberjack's cant hook with a spike at the end] | 10 Stammwender {m} [Wendehaken] | |
| hist. [territorial army raised at the end of World War 2] | 9 Volkssturm {m} | |
| naut. brace [rope at the end of a yardarm] | 8 Brasse {f} [Tau am Ende einer Rah] | |
| valediction [at the end of a letter or message] | 8 Schlussformel {f} [am Schluss eines Briefes oder einer Nachricht] | |
| anat. biol. arborization [branching structure at the end of a nerve fibre] | 6 Verzweigung {f} [an Enden von Axonen oder Dendriten] | |
| gastr. crust [crusty end of bread] | 6 Ranft {m} [regional] | |
| educ. graduation [end of school year] | 6 Entlassung {f} [mit Schulabschluss] | |
| weapons nock [notch on the rear end of an arrow] | 6 Sehnenkerbe {f} [Kerbe am Pfeilende] | |
| [swinging end, flexible part of a whip] | 5 Schwippe {f} [veraltet] [noch mitteldeutsch] [schwingendes Ende, federnder Teil einer Peitsche] | |