Dictionary English German: [end ]

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to finish [end, draw to an end]enden
Partial Matches
comp. econ. end-to-end {adj} <E2E>lückenlos [durchgängig, end-to-end-]
comp. econ. end-to-end {adj} <E2E>nahtlos [lückenlos, end-to-end-]
upright {adv} [on end]hochkant
comp. spec. abend [abnormal end]Computerabsturz {m}
head [boiler end]Kesselboden {m}
end to endStoßverbindung {f}
terminating {adj} {pres-p} [coming to an end]auslaufend
ultimately {adv} [in the end]schließlich
tech. to flare [pipe end]aufdornen [Rohrende]
butt [end](dickes) Ende {n} [Gegenstand]
electr. tech. limit switchGrenztaster {m} [End-, Endlagenschalter]
gastr. crust [crusty end of bread]Brotkanten {m}
cusp [pointed end]Zipfel {m} [spitzes Ende]
face [front side, gable end]Stirnseite {f}
outcome [end result]Ausgang {m} [Endergebnis, Resultat]
tag [tail end]Schluss {m} [letzter Teil]
to work out [end nicely]gut laufen
tech. end plate [also: end-plate]Abschlussleiste {f}
tech. end plate [also: end-plate]Kopfplatte {f}
comp. front endPräsentationsschicht {f} [Front-End, Frontend]
biol. med. incidental host [dead end host]Zufallswirt {m}
tech. needle roller bearing [closed end]Nadelbüchse {f}
to dump sb. [coll.] [to end relationship]jdn. verlassen
to win sth. [achieve an end]etw. erlangen
[person expressing desire to formally end membership]Austrittswilliger {m}
mus. [the notes that end a trill]Nachschlag {m}
gastr. crust [crusty end of bread]Ranft {m} [regional]
jobs gratuity [Br.] [end-of-contract gratuity]Abfindung {f}
electr. anchor tower [dead-end tower]Abspannmast {m} [Freileitungsmast]
automot. car mask [front-end bra]Haubenbra {m} [Steinschlagschutzmaske]
at the last {adv} [in the end]schließlich
tech. butt welding end [also: buttwelding end]Anschweißende {n}
to flare [gradually become wider at one end]aufweiten
[examination at the end of an apprenticeship]Gesellenprüfung {f}
educ. graduation [end of school year]Entlassung {f} [mit Schulabschluss]
educ. graduation [end of school year]Schulentlassung {f} [mit Schulabschluss]
gastr. heel [crusty end of bread]Ranft {m} [regional] [Brotkante]
subservience [serving as a means to an end]Dienlichkeit {f}
higher-end {adj} [e.g. higher-end product]höherwertig
games sports to be drawn [to end in a draw]unentschieden ausgehen
fin. insur. secondary market [closed-end funds or insurances]Zweitmarkt {m}
tech. welding end [end of a welded piece]Anschweißende {n}
tools ball end mill [also: ball-end mill]Kugelkopffräser {m}
electr. cable-end sleeve [also: cable end sleeve]Aderendhülse {f}
electr. cable-end sleeve [also: cable end sleeve]Kabelendhülse {f}
end of fall [Am.] [end of autumn]Herbstende {n}
to dwindle [draw to an end]zur Neige gehen [geh.] [Redewendung]
to stop [remain standing, end activity]stoppen [stehen bleiben, aufhören]
bit [end of pipe mouthpiece held between teeth]Biss {m}
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