| English  | German |  |
 | abandoned {adj} {past-p} [discarded, empty, cast off] | 3810 verlassen [leerstehend, aufgegeben, im Stich gelassen] |  |
 | blank {adj} [empty] | 1790 leer |  |
 | Chug! [to empty the glass in one go] | 490 Ex! [das Glas mit einem Schluck leeren] |  |
 | void {adj} [empty] | 485 leer |  |
 | dead {adj} [empty (bottle, glass)] | 330 leer [Flasche, Glas] |  |
 | rattlebrained {adj} [also: rattle-brained] [empty-headed] | 6 hohlköpfig [pej.] [geistlos, dämlich, doof] |  |
 | rattlebrained {adj} [also: rattle-brained] [empty-headed] | hirnlos [ugs.] [pej.] [geistlos, dämlich, doof] |  |
Verbs |
 | to drain [empty] | 1396 ablassen [entleeren] |  |
 | to deplete [empty] | 783 entleeren |  |
 | to clear sth. [empty] | 452 etw. räumen [von etw. freimachen] |  |
 | to clear [empty, clear out] | 152 ausräumen |  |
 | to clear [empty] | 98 leeren |  |
 | to deplete [empty] | 79 leeren |  |
 | to flush [empty] | 46 leeren |  |
 | to purge sth. [to empty sth.] | 22 etw.Akk. leeren |  |
 | to bluster [utter loud, empty menaces] | (laut) drohen |  |
 | to bluster [utter loud, empty menaces] | (leere) Drohungen ausstoßen |  |
 | to quaff sth. [to empty in few gulps] [glass, tumbler, etc.] | etw. mit wenigen Schlucken leeren [Glas, Becher usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | bimbo [sl.] [attractive but empty-headed young woman] | 48 Betthäschen {n} |  |
 | art relig. etimasia [empty throne of Christ] | 9 Etimasie {f} |  |
 | vaporing [Am.] [empty talk] | 6 Geschwafel {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | vapouring [Br.] [empty talk] | 5 Geschwafel {n} [ugs.] [leeres Geschwätz] |  |
 | gastr. [an empty plate and cutlery at eateries offered to kids whose parents or other accompanying people share their food with] | Räuberteller {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | deadheading [of empty containers] | Transport {m} von Leercontainern |  |
 | eyewash [coll.] [empty statements] | leeres Gerede {n} |  |
 | rant [empty talk] | leeres Geschwätz {n} [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be dead [coll.] [empty] | alle sein [ugs.] [leer sein] |  |
 | to relieve oneself [coll.] [to empty one's bowels / bladder] | sein Bedürfnis verrichten [ugs.] |  |
 | to relieve oneself [to empty one's bowels / bladder] | sein Geschäft verrichten [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | biol. air cell [empty space located at the large end of the chicken egg] | Luftblase {f} [Hühnerei] |  |
 | dead marine [sl.] [empty alcohol bottle] | leere Flasche {f} [Alkoholflasche] |  |
 | dead soldiers [sl.] [empty whiskey bottles] | leere Whiskyflaschen {pl} |  |
 | rail empties siding [for storing empty wagons] | Leerwagengleis {n} |  |
 | empty chatter [empty talk] | leeres Geschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | empty purse [empty small bag for carrying money] | leere Geldbörse {f} |  |
 | sports ghost game [coll.] [without supporters, i.e. in a completely empty stadium; as a sanction measure by the FIFA] | Geisterspiel {n} [ugs.] [Fußballspiel mit Ausschluss von Zuschauern; FIFA-Strafmaßnahme] |  |
 | rail ghost railway [closed down or virtually empty] | Geisterzug {m} [still gelegt oder praktisch leer] |  |
 | hot air [also fig. coll.: empty talk] | heiße Luft {f} [auch fig. ugs.: leeres Geschwätz] |  |
 | hot air [coll.] [fig.] [empty talk] | Phrasendrescherei {f} [nichtssagendes Gerede] |  |
 | hot air [sl.] [empty talk] | leeres Geschwätz {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | vain chatter [empty talk] | leeres Geschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | automot. to run on fumes [fig.] [to drive with an almost empty tank] | auf dem letzten Tropfen fahren [fig.] [mit fast leerem Tank fahren] |  |