Dictionary English German: [employment;]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
jobs working {adj} [in employment]
jobs redundant {adj} [esp. Br.] [no longer in employment]
beschäftigungslos [entlassen]
seasonal {adj} [e.g. employment]jahreszeitenabhängig
to retire [from employment]
ausscheiden [in Rente, Pension gehen]
to place sb./sth. [e.g. children with foster parents; redundant workers into employment; dogs, cats, etc. with a family]
jdn./etw. vermitteln [z. B. Kinder zu Pflegeeltern; Arbeitslosen eine Stelle; Hunde, Katzen etc. in eine Familie]
to ratten sb. [archaic] [to deprive sb. of the tools used in his employment, e.g. by breaking or stealing them]
jdn. sabotieren [indem man ihm die nötigen Werkzeuge nimmt oder bricht]
NEET [Br.] [Can.] [Not in Employment, Education, or Training] [also: neet]
[(junge) Person, die sich nicht in Beschäftigung, Unterricht, Aus- oder Fortbildung befindet]
hist. mil. rail [a special wartime locomotive (Kriegslokomotive) for employment on military field railways]Heeresfeldbahnlokomotive {f}
law [ban on the employment of teachers and civil servants who are considered to be radical]Radikalenerlass {m}
law [German youth employment protection act]Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz {n} <JArbSchG>
[leave for further training or education, paid for by the employment agency]Bildungskarenz {f} [Österreich]
P45 [metonym for termination of employment] [Br.] [Irish] [coll.]Beendigung {f} des Arbeitsverhältnisses
jobs redundancy [esp. Br.] [termination of employment]betriebsbedingte Kündigung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
jobs to hire on [Am.] [accept employment, e.g. as a masseur]anheuern [ugs.] [in Dienst treten, z. B. als Masseur]
2 Words: Nouns
neol. "You Inc." [Am.] [coll.] [self-employment]Ich-AG {f} [ugs.]
admin. law pol. compensatory levy [surcharge for non-employment of disabled / handicapped persons]Schwerbehindertenabgabe {f} [Ausgleichsabgabe]
jobs stat. employment statistics {pl} [employment data: plural form required when talking of the data]Beschäftigtenstatistik {f} [Gesamtheit der Statistiken]
jobs law employment status [degree of employment]Anstellungsgrad {m}
ID card [of one's place of employment]Dienstausweis {m}
jobs mini-job [also: mini job] [coined in Germany to describe a form of marginal employment]Minijob {m} [auch: Mini-Job]
jobs outside appointment [secondary employment] [esp. of civil servants]Nebenamt {n} [Nebentätigkeit]
pink slip [Am.] [coll.] [a notice of dismissal from employment]blauer Brief {m} [ugs.] [Kündigungsschreiben]
pink slip [Am.] [coll.] [a notice of dismissal from employment]Blauer Brief {m} [ugs.] [Kündigungsschreiben]
mil. release point [combat employment of guns]Feuereröffnungspunkt {m}
jobs law repudiatory conduct [employment law]vertragswidriges Verhalten {n} [das zur verhaltensbedingten Kündigung durch den Arbeitgeber berechtigt]
jobs starting date [first day of employment]Einstellungstermin {m}
3 Words: Nouns
econ. jobs employment on probation [probationary employment]Probearbeitsverhältnis {n}
econ. jobs increase in employment [also: increase of employment]Beschäftigungszuwachs {m}
jobs part-time job [half-time employment]Halbtagsarbeit {f}
4 Words: Verbs
jobs to keep sb. in one's employ [dated] [keep in employment, keep employed]jdn. beschäftigen [als Angestellten etc.]
4 Words: Nouns
pol. Employment and Support Allowance <ESA> [UK] [also: employment and support allowance]Beschäftigungs- und Unterstützungsbeihilfe {f} [Vereinigtes Königreich]
acc. out-of-pocket expenses [relating to one's employment or business]Spesen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
They were all at work. [at their place of employment]Sie waren alle arbeiten.
5+ Words: Verbs
to extend sth. for an indefinite period of time [esp. employment contracts]etw. entfristen [bes. Arbeitsverträge]
5+ Words: Nouns
sports dismissal of the / a coach [from employment]Trainerentlassung {f}
admin. law particular relationship of service and loyalty [employment relationship of German civil servants]besonderes Dienst- und Treueverhältnis {n} [dt. Beamtenverhältnis]
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