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|  |
 | pathetic {adj} [obs.] [emotional] | 83 pathetisch [emotional] |  |
 | frigid {adj} | 74 kalt [auch emotional, sexuell] |  |
 | emotional {adj} | 27 bewegt [emotional] |  |
 | emotional {adj} | 22 psychisch [emotional] |  |
 | messed up {adj} [coll.] [also emotional] | derangiert [geh.] [auch psychisch] |  |
 | tired to death {adj} [coll.] | todmüde [emotional verstärkend für: äußerst müde] |  |
 | for the most part {adv} | zuallermeist [emotional verstärkendes 'zumeist'] |  |
Verbs |
 | to concern sb. [affect, esp. mentally, emotionally] | 581 jdn. bewegen [geistig, emotional] |  |
 | to shake sb. [emotionally] | 423 jdn. bewegen [emotional] |  |
 | to crack [affect, strike with sorrow] | 333 treffen [emotional] |  |
 | to affect sb. | 158 jdn. berühren [emotional] |  |
 | to affect [emotionally] | 135 treffen [emotional] |  |
 | to touch sb. [emotionally] | 128 jdn. rühren [emotional] |  |
 | to stir sb. | 80 jdn. bewegen [emotional] |  |
 | to insult | 62 treffen [emotional] |  |
 | to move [emotionally] | 49 berühren [emotional] |  |
 | to move [arouse a strong feeling in sb.] | 45 rühren [fig.] [emotional bewegen] |  |
 | to affect sb. [move] | 42 jdn. bewegen [emotional] |  |
 | to move sb. [emotionally] | 35 jdn. bewegen [emotional] |  |
 | to move sb. [emotionally] | 23 jdn. anrühren [emotional] |  |
 | to move sb. | 13 jdn. ergreifen [emotional] |  |
 | to be close to sb. [also emotionally] | jdm. nahestehen [auch emotional] |  |
 | to weight sb. down [fig.] [emotionally] | jdn. niederdrücken [fig.] [emotional] |  |
 | to wither away [talent, emotional life] | verkümmern |  |
Nouns |
 | closeness | 572 Nähe {f} [zeitlich, auch emotional] |  |
 | shock [emotional disturbance] | 525 Schock {m} [Erschütterung] |  |
 | propinquity [formal] [proximity] | 505 Nähe {f} [räumlich, zeitlich oder emotional] |  |
 | composure [emotional control, calmness] | 439 Beherrschung {f} [Selbstbeherrschung, Fassung] |  |
 | languor [emotional] | 323 Apathie {f} |  |
 | jar [mental or emotional shock] | 149 Schock {m} [seelische Erschütterung] |  |
 | upset [emotional] | 114 Aufregung {f} |  |
 | sentiment [emotional weakness] | 86 Sentimentalität {f} |  |
 | [excess weight gained from emotional overeating] | 57 Kummerspeck {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | sentiment [emotional weakness] | 55 Rührseligkeit {f} |  |
 | nerves {pl} [coll.] [emotional state] | 41 Nervenkostüm {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | psych. [state of strong emotional turmoil] | 27 Ergriffenheit {f} |  |
 | crutch [fig.] [e.g. emotional or rhetorical] | 14 Hilfskrücke {f} [fig.] [grobe, unvollkommene Übergangslösung] |  |
 | feeling [emotional] | 7 Gefühlsregung {f} [seelische Empfindung] |  |
 | languor [emotional] | 5 Stumpfheit {f} |  |
 | psych. attachment capabilities {pl} [emotional] [less often: attachment capability] | Bindungsfähigkeit {f} [emotional] |  |
 | charge [emotional] | Emotionsgeladenheit {f} |  |
 | psych. spec. lalochezia [emotional relief gained by using indecent or vulgar language] | Lalochezie {f} [selten] [psychisches Abreagieren durch Gebrauch obszöner Wörter] |  |
 | bitter agony [emotional] | Seelenpein {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | psych. unsupportive {adj} [not providing encouragement or emotional help] | nicht unterstützend |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be attached to sb./sth. [emotionally] | an jdm./etw. hängen [emotional] |  |
 | to fork out money for sth. [coll.] | für etw.Akk. ablatzen [ugs.] [salopp emotional] [z. B. fürs Parken] |  |
 | to be moved [emotionally] | gerührt sein [emotional] |  |
 | to be touched [emotionally] | gerührt sein [emotional] |  |
 | to be close to sb. [also emotionally] | jdm. nahe stehen [auch emotional] [alt] |  |
 | to leave sb. unmoved | jdn. nicht berühren [emotional] |  |
 | to leave sb. unmoved [emotionally] | jdn. nicht bewegen [emotional] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | Rhenus Pater [Father Rhine] | Vater Rhein {m} [dichterisch, emotional, oft scherzhaft: der Fluss Rhein in der Personifizierung eines Vaters] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to form a bond with sb. | sichAkk. mit jdm. verbinden [emotional] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be rattled [coll.] [idiom] | durch den Wind sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [geistig verwirrt, emotional durcheinander sein] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to dote over sb. [to dote on/upon sb.] [care for sb., usually excessively or in an overly emotional manner] | sich im Übermaß um jdn. kümmern |  |